Family Fiction posted March 6, 2024 Chapters:  ...11 12 -13- 14... 

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Lester and Heddy enjoy the beach.
A chapter in the book Saltwater Ghosts

I Spy


Eleven-year-old Heddy can talk to her deceased grandmother, Nonni.
So far, Heddy has seen how things are changing due to the war. She has a new friend in Lester. And she is feeling more and more at odds with her decision to keep Artie a secret.


Momma brings out two peanut butter sandwiches while we wait on the back steps. She rubs vinegar on Lester's shoulders to cool off the skin. I'm used to the sun. My shoulders and arms are ten times as brown as Lester's. His arms are pink.

"Maybe you two should play inside now. Your shoulders are getting burned." Momma smiles as Lester shivers from the vinegar soaked dish towel.

"There's nothing to do in here." Being inside makes me feel like I'm in school again. And, even though Lester says he likes school, I don't.

"Heddy, there are lots of things to do. You have some books, some of Willis's old toys are in the back of his closet. You have pencil and paper. Y'all could draw."

"How about he puts a shirt on? Then his shoulders won't get burned worse," I suggest.

Lester nods. "I'd kind of like to work on that castle some more."

"Okay, but on one condition. You both help me pick some green beans. I'd like to send some home with Lester. Okay?"

"You betcha," I say, excited that we managed to escape the dull confines of the house.

I wait while he pulls his t-shirt on, then we both bolt across the yard to the beach.

In our absence, the waves have all but leveled our castle. Lester looks real upset. "Dang it. We worked so hard on that."

I shrug. "I probably should have told you they don't last long."

He shrugs, then squats to pick up a handful of wet sand. He turns to toss it in the choppy sea. "Here. You might as well take all of it."

"Hey, let's go look for pirates."

He frowns. "There's no such thing as pirates. 'Least not anymore."

"Well, how about U boats?"

"Here? Why would the krauts want to be around here?"

"I don't know. But Mr. Chancellor, he lives on the other side of the island, he said his brother saw one. Just last fall."

Lester shakes his head. He squints at me, letting me know he doesn't believe me. "If he saw one, why didn't he call the navy? Did he?"

I'm sorta getting mad at him. He's asking the wrong questions. He should be asking if there might be more out there. "Well, I don't know the answers to those questions, Lester. I was merely telling you what I heard. My daddy was telling Momma and me. And, my daddy doesn't go around telling lies. So, it's true."

"Okay. Let's go look for Uboats."

Without another word, we go racing down the beach. I'm faster than him, but only because I'm used to running in the sand.

I catch myself looking up towards Dr. Monroe's house. I wonder if Artie is still staying there.

"Who's that?" Lester asks, pointing ahead.

There is Artie standing by the water's edge, hands thrust in his pockets. He looks deep in thought.

"Just some man."

Artie looks over, taking a few steps away from the water.

"Ah, Heddy. Always on the beach. Saltwater runs through your veins."

I feel my cheeks growing hot.

"And, who is your friend?"

Lester doesn't wait for an introduction. He extends his hand and clears his throat. "I'm Lester."

"I am Artie. It is nice to meet you. What are the pair of you up to?"

"Looking for Uboats. You know, krauts."

Artie folds his arms across his chest and studies Lester. "How will you know if you find one?"

"By their uniform," I say.

Artie thinks for a moment, and shakes his head. "What makes you think he would be in his uniform?"

"I've heard they all wear uniforms in Germany. Even the children and women," Lester says.

Artie nods. "What would you do if you found one, or even two?"

"Run and tell someone," I say.

"I'd probably fight them. Knock them out then go tell someone."

Artie smiles, obviously impressed with our plan. "You know what I think? I think you both should go back to building your sand castles. Leave things to the soldiers."

Lester looks over at me, a funny expression on his face. "There aren't any soldiers here now, so, Heddy and I are the next best thing."

Artie shifts his body, standing tall, bringing his hand to his brow. His slices the air in a crisp salute. "Carry on. Keep us safe."

He looks at me and winks. "Remember, I'm just up the hill if you need reinforcements."

We walk a little further. Lester scans the horizon. "What's that?"

I look to where he's pointing. The smokestack of an old shipwreck peeks out of the water.

"Shipwreck. Been there for years."

He looks disappointed. "Oh. Was it a pirate ship?"

"No. Just a regular ship."

"Have you ever been to the other side of the island?" He reaches down to pluck an oyster shell up.

"Of course. It's more marshy. The inlet is on the other side. Lots of fishermen live over there, at least, the ones that didn't go in the army."

He nods. "Do you think that man, Artie, you think he might be a spy?"

I laugh. "That's the silliest thing I've ever heard. Artie is a thinker."

"He talked kind of funny. He didn't sound like you and he didn't sound like me. He's big and strong. Why isn't he in the army? What's he doing here?"

It was true. How had I not noticed all of that? Maybe he didn't sound like us, but that didn't make him a spy. "Lets go home. I'm tired of looking for silly old Uboats."

We turned around and headed back home. Artie was no longer on the beach. I was glad. I didn't want Lester to be looking for more clues about him.

Lester is my friend, but then, so is Artie.

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