General Fiction posted March 26, 2024 Chapters:  ...14 15 -16- 17... 

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Heddy misses Lester, and is concerned for Artie.
A chapter in the book Saltwater Ghosts

Holding Onto Secrets


Eleven-year-old Heddy can talk to her deceased grandmother, Nonni.
So far, Heddy has met a new friend, Lester. She finds out that her mysterious neighbor is German, and she waits for her older brother Willis to come home.


I used to love to dream. Its the only time you can go on adventure without having to leave the coziness of your own bed. And, I've had some pretty exciting dreams, too.

Once, I dreamed I was riding a horse on the beach. He was running real fast, his hooves were kicking up sand and water. My hands holding on to his silky black mane. I remember being so happy in that dream, like you are when it's your birthday and people give you packages wrapped in pretty paper. It was just like that feeling. But when I woke up, I knew I was just holding onto the sheet that was over me. After that dream, the rest of the day was just ordinary.

Last night I dreamed. Willis came home, but it wasn't really Willis. I could tell it wasn't him, but Momma and Daddy acted like nothing had changed. Daddy asked me why I wasn't happy my brother was home, and all I could say was, "Cause it ain't Willis." I remember running, trying to get away before my daddy made me go see him. I just ran as fast as I could. And it was getting dark with clouds and I was real scared. Then I woke myself up with a cry.

Nonni was sitting on the edge of the bed. Her soft, cool hand stroking my brow. "What spooked you, Heddy?"

"Willis came home only it wasn't really him."

"I suspect you're nervous having him come home."

"But I want him to come home. Really, I do."

Nonni nods, her hands now busy straightening the covers around me. "I know you do. But, you're smart enough to know that people who leave for war aren't always the same when they come back. Who knows, Heddy, he might just need a few days to breathe in this good salty air, and he'll be good as new."

I nod then roll on my side and curl towards her. "Why did you have to leave, Nonni?" I whisper.

"It was just my time. Don't you worry, Nonni will always be with you."

I fall back asleep with Nonni rubbing my head.


"Heddy," Momma calls from the kitchen. "Would you mind watering the garden for me?"

I race down the stairs and zoom past her towards the screen door.

"You think I can make a tomato sandwich and take it to Lester? He really liked the one you fixed that one time." I kick the screen door with my toe, letting it open and close repeatedly.

"Heddy, please stop doing that. It's just a matter of time before your foot goes right through the screen. And, your daddy will skin you alive if he has to fix it."

I stop but not because of the threat. My daddy would never hurt me. He even teared up one time after he had to take the switch after me. That was worse than the whipping. I stopped because my momma was starting to look like she did in the post office yesterday.

"So, can I?"

"Yes. And check to see if Mrs. Collette has any mail she may have forgotten to give us."

I turn on the hose and sprinkle water across the whole garden. Then I fill up the bucket to water everything on the back row. The hose isn't long enough to reach the back of the garden.

I pull off a huge cantaloupe that looks ripe, and carry it inside.

"Can I take some to Lester?"

Momma nods, a smile on her face.

"Why are you smiling? "

Momma shrugs and pulls a knife from the drawer. "Oh, I was just remembering a certain little girl who was quite upset at having to play with a boy. Now, she's taking him lunch."

"He's not my boyfriend. Yuck. Gross."

"I know he's not. But he has become a very good friend. And, you're worried about him and miss him, just like I do."

"Yeah. I miss playing with him."

"That's understandable." She continues to cut the pale orange fruit into small cubes. She picks a piece up and offers it to me then pops one in her mouth. "Mmm. This is the best one yet."


Lester is sweeping the porch of the post office when I finally get there. It's a long walk from my house. I never noticed it while I walked with my momma or daddy. But alone, with no one to talk to, it seemed to take forever.

"Hey, Heddy. You here for your mail? The ferry don't bring it til tomorrow."

"Just wondering if Mrs. Collette found anything that might have been overlooked yesterday," I say, remembering the exact words Momma had told me to use. "Oh, and I brought you one of those tomato sandwiches and some cut up cantaloupe. It's the sweetest one yet."

Lester's eyes light up at the mention of the food. "Good. I'm starving. All I've had is a hard boiled egg today."

He quickly jumps from the porch to where I'm standing. The bread looks soggy but that doesn't stop him. He eats it faster than I've ever seen anyone eat. There's mayonnaise on the corners of his mouth and he just wipes his forearm across it.

"Gosh, Lester, you really were hungry."

I look up past him to see the door open. Mrs. Collette looks at me. She doesn't smile or say anything then quick as a lightning bolt she shuts the door again.

"Is she ever gonna let you come back over?"

"Well, I talked to Uncle Wayne. He said let her cool down. Maybe next week. I'll go see if there's any mail, but then I better get back to sweeping. I kinda need to stay on her good side."

He climbs the four steps to the porch and disappears inside. Less than a minute later he comes out and shakes his head. "There's nothing here. Ferry delivers tomorrow."

I wave goodbye and start the long boring walk home.

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