Letters and Diary Poetry posted April 9, 2024 Chapters:  ...21 22 -23- 24... 

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A few notes for my work family from last Thanksgiving.
A chapter in the book Songs of Recovery

Thank You Notes

by K. Olsen


A brief note of appreciation, as we are blind
To one’s own good, as the eye can’t see itself:

You have a gift for meeting people where they travel
and without judgment, walking alongside them:
offering them shelter from inclement weathers
and the respite from an isolation few can breach.

I cannot imagine having come so far without
the companionship and wisdom that you offer,
the clarity of kindness translated into right action,
and the comfort you give born of understanding.

I am fortunate to know you and so are your patients,
even if you may not see the scope of your safe harbor,
or the way we know you advocate for our wellbeing.

Thank you for everything you do.


A brief note of appreciation, as we are blind
To one’s own good, as the eye can’t see itself:

I think you do not know the measure of your good:
the sincerity flowing from you like spring water,
enabling all sweet things to flourish in a wasteland,
because you care so genuinely where many do not.

I cannot thank you enough for all the moments
where you have said, “I don’t know, but I am here",
approaching with waves of curious compassion,
the best antidote to the isolating drought of pain

I am fortunate to know you and so are your patients,
even if you think you never say quite the right thing
because truthfully, you do, and have the perfect hug.

Thank you for everything you do.


A brief note of appreciation, as we are blind
To one’s own good, as the eye can’t see itself:

There is such a centering to your presence,
a calming grounding to the way that you care,
which takes the hearts of all those who suffer
and gathers them safely away from cruel winds.

I wish you could see how people open up, relieved,
when you listen with such authenticity and intent
that they realize they are someone who matters,
and little by little, the healing creeps its way in.

I am fortunate to know you and so are your patients,
even if your extraordinary grace seems ordinary to you
as you extend it so effortlessly.

Thank you for everything you do.


A brief note of appreciation, as we are blind
To one’s own good, as the eye can’t see itself:

I have seen in you the healing power of laughter,
which blooms in dark times fields of tender mercies
as you step out of your office like a sunbeam,
lifting spirits with such ease despite your own grief.

It is rare to find anyone who believes so fiercely
that everyone can be redeemed and brought up
into the light with just respect and persistence,
yet you practice daily what the best preach.

I am fortunate to know you and so are your patients,
even if you cannot see your light for its glow
or realize the shadows shrink with your passing.

Thank you for everything you do.


A brief note of appreciation, as we are blind
To one’s own good, as the eye can’t see itself:

You move through the world with such tenderness,
a gardener coaxing downtrodden plants to bloom,
and so healing follows in your wake like flowers,
after a forest fire, turn their faces towards the dawn.

The people and animals who flourish because
of the gentleness and patience you show them
extend endlessly in echoes through eternity,
each one improved because of your example.

I am fortunate to know you and so are your patients,
even if the scope of the garden is hidden
by its own bright leaves and effervescent blooms.

Thank you for everything you do.


A brief note of appreciation, as we are blind
To one’s own good, as the eye can’t see itself:

You touch people’s hearts with such merciful skill
and benevolence that makes pain seem lessened,
if only because in your office, it is shared
with an empathy that few can even comprehend.

In the changes for the better, I see your fingerprints
indelible upon the heart like an angel’s feathers
graven like peace into grief-stricken stone;
and in the worst, I see a flickering of hope.

I am fortunate to know you and so are your patients,
even if you walk so lightly you never realize
the tracks of meaning and inspiration you leave behind.

Thank you for everything you do.

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