Fantasy Fiction posted September 26, 2014 | Chapters: |
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Valerius learns, Julia causes eyes to turn.
A chapter in the book Vision and Sound: Their Stories
Physician & Patient Pt: 2
by michaelcahill
Background Two souls encounter each other in human form over the course of time. As humans they have no memory of their close bond. |

Previously, We were introduced to Valerius and Julia the new hosts for Vi and Sam as they begin their new lives on Earth. Julia has mental issues and seems to have memories of past lives though she doesn't know that that is what they are. Sam has a desire to be a physician. He is healthy and lives in the same village as Julia. They have yet to meet. It is 500 AD and the birth of the Dark Ages. The church considers mental disorders to be demonic in nature. Physicians consider them to be diseases that require treatment. We continue the story now as Valerius is just beginning to pursue his interest in medicine by tending to a sick sheep for his father.
~~~~~~Valerius camping by the flock of sheep
The sheep continued to improve under the watchful eye of Valerius. However, others in the small flock began to take ill and shook in the same manner. His father, owing to the success with the one sheep, agreed to allow Valerius to camp by the flock and try to treat the others that became ill.
He discovered a mushroom growing near the forest where strays would sometimes wander. He had never seen it before. The rains had been heavy that winter and growth of foliage was abundant. These mushrooms were unfamiliar. Farmers knew of the things that grew wild and depended on them for survival. He sought out Trellitia, a widow of great age who had knowledge of such things. She lived alone and preferred it. She grieved for her lost husband and claimed a longing to join him in the beyond. She did not care for visitors.
"Who dares disturb the footsteps of my lost husband?" Her voice sounded as though it came from a great distance. She stood on her stoop but five feet away.
"My apologies, Lady Trellitia. It is I, Valerius, from down the path. I come on a matter of importance seeking your wisdom." Valerius managed a voice that spoke with a confidence not found within him. He had heard tales of her witchery as a child and still feared a spell might be cast upon him.
"Wisdom? If living a life of hardship and grief is wisdom, then I am indeed wise. I will determine if it is of importance. What is it you trouble me with?"
Valerius produced a sample of the mushroom that was unfamiliar to him and held it out for her inspection. "I suspect that these have caused infirmity in my flock."
Trillitia's face contorted into what might be called a slight smile. "Indeed. A bellyache if they are eating their fill. An early meeting with a cauldron if they are greedy. It is a medicine, boy, in small doses. In large doses, it can cause one to become indisposed. It could kill someone if ingested senselessly."
"Ah. That is most enlightening. I knew that you would know the answer. Your knowledge is legend among the villagers. A medicine you say? To what use?"
She relaxed her rigid posture somewhat and considered the young man before her. So sincere. Just like… Memories of better times came over her in a welcome flood. "Come in, boy, and learn something."
He smiled and walked in the front door. He had been hoping beyond hope for an answer to his question. He drank in the contents of her cluttered dwelling with anticipation. Her husband had been the physician for the village before taking ill. He wasted away over a long period. All of his medical knowledge could not be brought to bear on the ravages of the illness that took his life. All of his knowledge was here in this room and his widow had taken a shine to him. This was a life-changing day for him.
"Let me see that mushroom, Valerius. I'll make us a tea." She laughed and it was a laugh that still managed to send chills down his spine. She took the mushroom, chopped it up, and along with some other herbs made them both a cup of delicious tea.
"It's quite refreshing." He commented truthfully.
"Well, son, enjoy it… it may be your last!" She laughed again heartily.
This time Valerius joined her.
~~~~~~~Julia in town with her father and brother
Julia's father felt bad having to keep her at home on the farm all the time. There was a forest nearby that Julia seemed to enjoy, but it was clear that she enjoyed human contact thought they often felt ill at ease in her presence. He had come to know who to avoid and who were more favorably disposed to her nature.
He was in town to sell some wool and baked goods. Cassius always came along when Julia accompanied her father. Cassius seemed the most adept at calming Julia when she became confused or if the wrong person happened upon her.
Leopold was a man that Abramus, Julia's father, sought to avoid especially with his daughter in tow. But, here he stood and his intention was to engage Abramus in conversation.
"I see you have your daughter, Julia, with you. Perhaps her condition has improved since last I saw her. Hello, Julia. How are you feeling on this fine day that the Lord has provided?"
"All is well today, Abramus. Freedom feels as though it calls to me. I hear it with great excitement."
"I see. Freedom you say. Then you imagine yourself to be enslaved? Is your father then your taskmaster? Are you in a dungeon of his making? I see no shackles or signs of lashings across your back. He seems the most lenient of masters."
"All are slaves in some form. Some by their own failure to see what lies before them. Others by their blindness to what has gone before. I merely listen to what is spoken to me and take in what is presented before me to see. Is this not what all the Lord's creatures do?" Julia said the word "creatures" with venom somehow as though she thought of him as something from the ground that had slithered up.
Leopold addressed Abramus directly. "I've warned you before, Abramus, the church is clear on these matters. I've turned a blind eye because of our friendship. You insist on bringing her to town when she is clearly possessed of an evil spirit. She speaks of voices and visions that are seen only by her. Let the church help you. We can drive these demons out, Abramus. At the very least, keep them from the city where they might leap into the heart of an innocent."
"Leopold, my old friend. There are no demons. She but has a vivid imagination. Shall I fault her for that? She is of no harm to anyone. She graces my family and has for over twenty years now. What harm has come to us? You see. You worry and stir up controversy where there is none. Now, I appreciate your concerns. You have voiced them and I have answered you. I consider the matter closed. Good day to you. It is a lovely day as you have pointed out." Abramus grabbed Julia's hand and they strode away together.
Abramus waited until Leopold was beyond hearing them. "Julia, you must keep your thoughts to yourself when in public. People, especially people like Leopold, do not understand them. It is dangerous for you. You could be deemed possessed."
"That is a most evil man, Father. He tortured many of my people in the rooms under the ground. There were whips and devices that mangled a person's body. Many died in agony at his hand. I don't understand why he is respected as he is. Why is that, Father?"
Thank you for the continuing great input. Listening intently. I'm behind in responses, but I am reading and have copied the reviews into word. Thank you so much. I appreciate every word.

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