General Fiction posted February 27, 2018 Chapters:  ...9 10 -11- 12... 

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It pays to be nice
A chapter in the book Miscellaneous stories

Fugu you

by CD Richards

An obnoxious young diner named Phil

asked the waiter, "Just what was that swill?"

"Fugu is the dish,

our best puffer fish...

cooked like that, it's quite certain to kill."


Limerick with a twist writing prompt entry
Writing Prompt
Write a limerick. But instead of being bawdy or funny, make it spooky. It can have humour but should be predominantly spooky or even horror.
The limerick is a closed-form poem. It consists of five lines; the first four set up the joke, and the final line delivers the punch line. Rhyming scheme is not important with stressed and unstressed syllables here or feet just as long as the rhyme sounds good and is the right number of lines.
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