Free Verse Poetry - Summer Flowers

Poetry Contest
The topic for this poetry contest is: Free Verse Poetry - Summer Flowers

Artwork is optional and at the discretion of the writer
Minimum lenght of the poems: 50-words
Flower names are to be highlighted or bold by author

Write a poem that somehow incorporates at least five (5) summer flowers. The poem does not have to be specifically about the topic and creative approaches are welcomed. But contest voters will be asked to consider the topic of summer flowers when making a choice for a winner.

Summer Flowers are abundant between June 20th to September 21st. Choose at least five (5) from the following list:
- Amaranthus - Allium - American Persimmon
- Bouvardia - Baby's Breath - Bird of Paradise
- Bell Flower - Blazing Star - Carnation
- Chrysanthemum - Cockscomb - Calla Lilly
- Christmas Bells - Cosmos - Casablanca Lily
- Contra Costa goldfields - Chinese Rain Tree
- Chilean jasmine
- Dahlia - Daisy - Delphinium
- Dianthus - Blue Lace Flower - Freesia
- False Spirea - Frangipani
- Foxgloves - Good Friday Grass - Ginger
- Gladiolus - Geranium - Garden Roses
- Grevilleas - Gerbera - Gardenias
- Flame Lillies - Gymnadenia - Heather
- Hydrangea - Heliconia - Hypericum
- Hyacinth Orchid - Iris - Impatiens
- Jacob's Ladder - Jasmine - Jack in the Pulpit
- Kangaroo Paw - Lisianthus - Lily of the Nile
- Lavendar - Lady Mantel - Lilac
- Lemon Mint - Hawaiian Wedding Flowers - Marigolds
- Spoonwood - Madonna Lily - Naked Lady Flowers
- Orchids - Pansy - Peony
- Pineapple Lily - Privet Tree - Lily of the Incas
- Patridge Pea - Pink Primrose - Queen Anne's Lace
- Salvia splendens - Shasta daisy - Sunflowers
- Stephanotis - Sweet Pea - Star gazer lily
- Sweet Crab Apple - Sand Lily - Sheep Laurel
- Sea Daffodil - Vinca rosea - Tube Rose
- Venus' Car

The Flowers by Robert Louis Stevenson

All the names I know from nurse:
Gardener's garters, Shepherd's purse,
Bachelor's buttons, Lady's smock,
And the Lady Hollyhock.

Fairy places, fairy things,
Fairy woods where the wild bee wings,
Tiny trees for tiny dames--
These must all be fairy names!

Tiny woods below whose boughs
Shady fairies weave a house;
Tiny tree-tops, rose or thyme,
Where the braver fairies climb!

Fair are grown-up people's trees,
But the fairest woods are these;
Where, if I were not so tall,
I should live for good and all.


The contest winner will win half of the prize pool which is based on the number of entries. The second and third place winners will each share the remaining prize pool. The prize pool is currently 85.00 member dollars. There are only 1 spots still open. If all open spots are used the prize pool will be 90.00 member dollars. In this contest at least 5 submissions must be made for the vote to begin.

Deadline: Contest is closed. Deadline was Friday, August 10, 2012.

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