Mature Poetry posted March 19, 2021

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a night drinking in Bombay

One Night in Bombay One night I

by jake cosmos aller

One night
In Bombay, India
I walked into a bar
20 drinks too sober

On the wrong end
Of a Friday night booze run

On the bad side
Of the Moon
Over by where the Martians
Sat drinking their Martian whisky
Ogling the maidens from Venus

Learing at the earth women
Who were walking by
Wearing skin tight pants
Made their eyeballs hurt

I gave into the spirit
Went over to the Martian dudes
And got drunk on the Martian madness
Smoking some good old Mars dust

And flew off to the planet Jupiter
Just to have me some fun
With a lady

Said she was from Saturn
I did not know
She was from the planet Pluto
Until I woke up
The next day

Naked, under the alien Sun
In Jail
On the Planet Alpa Centura

Light years from home
A million miles away
A thousand years in the future
And I had no money
No honey
And no way home

Still 20 drinks too sober
So I sat down
In that jail
And started drinking away my time

And so one day
I woke up
And found myself
Back in that evil bar

Back in Bombay
Over by the Martian whorehouse
Down by the Gate of India

And I walked up to the Venus babe
And said, man that was some bad shit
Let's do it again some day

She smiled and I had my way
Knew the day would come again
When I would be drinking with the Martians
And something wicked my way would come

Just another night
Of wicked fun
On the wrong side of the Moon
On the right night
In the mean streets of Bombay

The Drink Poetry writing prompt entry
Writing Prompt
Write a poem. You (or your character) take a sip of a drink and feel different. What happens?

drinking in old Bombay
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