General Poetry posted December 15, 2020

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Once the magic is created, mom goes to her favorite place.

Creating Christmas

by Leann DS

A favorite Christmas place Contest Winner 
Created by my husband's spouse
Is Christmas time inside our house.

Floors are scrubbed and windows, shiny.
Lights are strung, mantle, piny.

Nineteen dozen cookies baked.
Ice is cicled, snow is flaked.

Christmas cards are signed and posted.
Eggnog chilled and chestnuts roasted.

Letters, to the north pole, sent.
Counting daily through Advent.

I bought the gifts and wrapped them all;
Got pics with Santa at the mall.

Clothes for church are pressed and hung;
Salvation army bell was rung;

Dropped off all the Toys for Tots;
Peace and love in prayers and thoughts;

The stockings hung and tree is trimmed;
The kids are sleeping, lights are dimmed.

I place the gifts around the tree,
And fill the stockings silently.

I eat the cookies, milk I chug,
And climb into my bed all snug.

It's now my time, it's the best!
I finally get to have a rest.

Right now, my bed's my favorite place.
I sleep with smile upon my face.

Now it's up to Ole Saint Nick...
At least until the 26th!

Writing Prompt
Write a rhyming poem about a special place you liked to visit at Christmas. I know most everything is shut down now, but reminisce about a special store, a visit to see Santa, a celebration with friends or a neighborhood tour of Christmas lights. Anything that brings good memories.

A favorite Christmas place
Contest Winner
Pays one point and 2 member cents.

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