Commentary and Philosophy Poetry posted December 22, 2020

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Face reality - we're sick of your mind-games.

While Gaslight Glows

by LisaMay

While gaslight glows
on bitter snows
his orange face still shows.

Give it a rest.
Voting expressed
whom most think will be best.

He gropes for hope,
but we will cope.
All he will do is mope.

Inciting fears,
block up your ears.
It soon will end in tears.

The choices...

tears of grim rage
that on this stage
we’ll turn our future’s page


tears of relief,
calming our grief.
Welcome a wiser Chief.


How do you really feel? writing prompt entry
Writing Prompt
Write a poem about this past election. Was it fair? What do you think about Biden and Trump? Don't hold back! All opinions are welcome so be brave.

Author's Note
Definition: 'Gaslighting' is a form of emotional abuse. It's the act of manipulating a person by forcing them to question their thoughts, memories, and the events occurring around them.
People who gaslight other people in their lives may have a psychological disorder called narcissistic personality disorder.
People with narcissistic personality disorder believe they're extremely important and that the world revolves around them. They're self-absorbed and don't have time or interest in others unless it serves a purpose for them. They aren't empathetic and don't have the ability, or the interest, to understand what another person is feeling or experiencing.
Narcissists crave attention and praise and can be demanding. They have grandiose views of themselves, their lives, and their futures, and they often use manipulation as a way of achieving their personal goals.

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