Song Lyrics Poetry posted January 4, 2021

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A song of farewell for a contest entry

Valediction [Cry Out!]

by Y. M. Roger

The air it hangs heavy on Herringbone Hill
Fog banks roll thinly through lone daffodils
flower that once had withstood the storm
Now bends to the weight as you did that morn.


Cry out with passion your final farewell –
Let it evermore echo ‘round life’s carousel!
Your presence will always be unparalleled
So cry, shout and cheer, friend, you’re done raising hell.

Your voice could be heard o’er airwaves and wire
Ever the teacher, always keen to inspire –

Hate you turned back with a smile and a smirk
Like those sunshiny flowers, your presence just worked.


Cry out with laughter your final farewell –
Let it evermore echo ‘round life’s carousel!
Your presence will always be unparalleled
So laugh, shout and cheer, friend, you’re done raising hell.

And now as the
pipe and the drum bid adieu
It dawns this damned affair is one you’d eschew
You’d rather be preaching, perhaps advocate
Your heart and your spirit they’ll ne’er duplicate…


Cry out with fervor your final farewell –
Let it evermore echo ‘round life’s carousel!
Your presence will always be unparalleled
Keep shoutin' and preachin', friend…   And go give ‘em hell!

Write a poem using these words... writing prompt entry
Writing Prompt
Write a poem in any form or style, with any subject or emotion but must include the following words:
air - hate - flower - pipe - final - cry

Where do these words take you??

Image of 'Free Daffodils in Fog' by Les Landes Stock Photo at
Pays one point and 2 member cents.

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