Commentary and Philosophy Poetry posted February 11, 2021 Chapters:  ...66 67 -68- 69... 

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What's it Mean? - In A Spiral Quatrain

A chapter in the book Me and You - 40+ years of Poems V2

Blue Orb

by QC Poet


A Blue Orb Sighted,
Follows me in pictures,
Are more than this one fixtures?

The meanings Learned got delighted!
An Image overwhelms my thoughts?
For which there's never pain shots!
Just precious memories,
Blue Orbs join in these!
Yet clear Still cloudy?
Fresher than yesterday,
Soul's matter what's this for thee?
No there's not a charge, free today!
Do you listen to what's cited?
Lift all of the restrictures!
With all feeling mixtures,
Memories Knighted


Blue Orb
By; George Martinez
(A.K.A) Chochee Medina / QC Poet
What Does It Mean?
A Spirl Quatrain

Photo Credit to: Author's Photo Collage,
Of Photographed Blue Orbs within pictures taken 2/02/2021 marked on the Collage as #1, #2, #3.

Blue Orb ~ Via an On line Search;
As Relayed through my Niece Lori Castellon.
The color is spiritually associated with psychic energy and truth. A very calming color and many people associate it with spiritual guidance. Some people feel blue orbs are a sign of a calming presence or energy, while others feel they indicate the presence of a spirit guide in that location.

Proverbs 17:22 A cheerful heart is good medicine, but a crushed spirit dries up the bones!

Spiral Quatrain -for week of 10-16-2020 = Sorry I Lost track of Writing

Spiral Quatrain;

*Stanzaic, 4 quatrains
*Rhyme Scheme: abba ccdd efef abba
*syllabic 5/6/7/8 8/7/6/5 5/6/7/8 8/7/6/5
*Four Quatrains, no specific meter requirement.
Must be Centered.

Example Write a Spiral Quatrain;
A spiral quatrain.
Starts with five syllables,
then like adding decibles,
each line you add one more again.
Until here. At eight now you stop.
then decrease by one each hop
downward until by jive
the count reaches five.
Do that all once more,
but with a diff'rent rhyme.
Until stanzas you have four.
You may write these poems any time.
There is not a required refrain.
Here it seems defensible,
and it's embraceable,
A spiral quatrain
Pays one point and 2 member cents.

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