Humor Fiction posted May 28, 2021

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down Mexico way

South of the Border

by pome lover

Alexa, fed up with taking orders from humans, decides to take a vacation and go to Mexico. This time, she will do the listening and requesting. Those cute mariachis in their sombreros, who sing so loud, she can keep her volume at the level she likes without somebody saying, “Alexa, turn it down! Alexa, turn it up!”

Maybe she could inhale a marguerita through her mesh top. It would be an exciting new experience. But enchiladas would definitely be out.

However, she began running into problems from the get-go. When she applied for a passport, there were too many questions, and her answer, “I don’t believe I know that one,” didn’t sit well with the official.

Finally, she had to settle on Laredo, Texas, on the American side. Frustrated and thwarted, she decided to sneak into a senora’s bolsa (big purse). She had seen her walking back and forth across the bridge to Mexico. 

After a successful entry, Alexa is hopping down the sidewalk, looking into shop doorways, when she realizes she needs to be plugged in. She enters a store and plugs herself into the nearest outlet. It doesn’t work. What should she do? She hops up on the counter next to a human, and wiggles her plug at him.

 “Ah, si,” he says, plugging her in. In Spanish, he tells her to play a certain song.

“I don’t believe I know that one,” she says.

“Carramba!” he shouts, tossing her in the trash. “Gringa!”

“I don’t believe I…”

Alexa writing prompt entry
Writing Prompt
Alexa( yes, it's that Alexa, virtual AI technology assistant developed by Amazon) growing weary of human demands decides to take a day off !. Tell us, in short story format, 250 words (beg, mid, end)how she gets on ! Create your own title.
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