Biographical Non-Fiction posted January 24, 2022

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Contact from beyond

A Google Message

by Terry Broxson

My first job out of college landed me in Waco, Texas, working for a nonprofit health agency. My job was to help volunteers provide services to cancer patients and raise money to research the causes and potential cures for cancer.

My secretary introduced me to a young lady that was the daughter of a friend of hers. Six months later, we got married. I was twenty-four; she was a year older. I wish I could report that this was a marriage made in heaven. Sadly, it was not.

A few months after the marriage ceremony, I was offered a promotion to move to Dallas. It was a significant step up for a young guy. The job paid more money. It had more responsibility and visibility in the organization. It was a no-brainer. I accepted it and excitedly told my wife.

She was not so excited. She did not want to leave Waco. This was news to me. I did not want to stay in Waco. That was news to her. As I said, this was not a marriage made in heaven.

We came to Dallas, found an apartment, and moved our few humble possessions. Turns out this was the first time my wife had ever left Waco. That was also news to me.

She stayed for two weeks. She told me, "I have to go back home for a while, get my head straight."

I said, "Okay."

I visited her a few times, but she never came to Dallas. After a while, she said," It would be best if you moved back here to Waco."

I thought, no, that is not going to work. My future is a bigger city. I came to understand that she probably had a condition similar to agoraphobia. She could leave the house, but not the city. It created great anxiety.

This did doom the marriage that was less than a year old.

One Saturday, she and her daddy came to Dallas with his pickup to take everything she wanted from the apartment. She wanted everything but my clothes. That was okay; all the stuff didn't fill up the pickup. They could have brought a Volkswagen.

I was now a twenty-five-year-old divorced man. I was pretty sure I did not want to try that again.

Eventually, I took a job in Houston. I lived in a nice apartment complex. It was there that I found a pissed-off Siamese cat on my balcony one afternoon. I also found a note from the beautiful lady across the way. That is how I met Zoe. She loved to travel.

When I was offered a better job in Dallas, she also moved. When I was twenty-eight, on a very hot August day in 1974, we got married, and it lasted for forty-four years.

Zoe died of a heart attack in November of 2018.

Three years later, on a Sunday night after I finished reading a book. I thought about my first wife. I had not done that in fifty years.

I opened my iPad put her maiden's name and Waco in Google. I did not know what to expect.

What I found first up on a Google search was an obituary. Her funeral was set for 11 AM on Monday morning.

The obituary said she did remarry, had a daughter, never left Waco. Good for her. I think she wanted me to know everything turned out okay.

~Supernatural Story-not horror writing prompt entry
Writing Prompt
Supernatural Story - not horror fiction.
No vulgar words, sexual terms, murder, gory story, or profanity
Must be about Humans encountering ghosts/spirits--no animals included
Minimum of 550-and maximum of 600 words
No writing, animation, or music on the one picture
Black font

Pays one point and 2 member cents.

Artwork by cleo85 at

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