Family Fiction posted February 16, 2022

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Separate Beds

by Dick Waters

“Did you hear that noise?” Suzy asked, opening her eyes.
“What noise?” Oscar replied.
“I thought it was your turn to listen for any strange noises.”
“It was my turn last night. You were supposed to keep an eye open for anything strange going on tonight.”
“I’m tired and it’s nice and warm under the covers.”
“There was a time when we would share the same bed and not need blankets.”
“Are we going to have that discussion again?”
“Can’t we have one night a week together?”
“Not since you snore all night, which was indeed what woke me up.”

100 Word Flash Fiction writing prompt entry
Writing Prompt
Write a flash fiction story. 100 words exactly. Title not included in count.

I really miss these members of my family.
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