Humor Poetry posted April 10, 2022

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Some humour is not always appreciated.

The Bawdy Jokester

by LisaMay

He loves to use his filthy mind
for bawdy innuendo.
It shocks a lot — he’ll sometimes find
such topics are a no-go.

Some goody-goodies like to judge:
pretend sex doesn’t exist.
But he gives boundaries a nudge:
block your ears, he can’t resist.

While good clean fun is much preferred
I’d hate to see such primness
inhibit each salacious word
to one of boring grimness.

For humor is a varied thing —
some will laugh and some might scowl.
He does not aim to hurt or sting
when his humor’s on the prowl.

The prude police cringe in alarm.
I love ribald humor, too!
It might lack charm; where is the harm?
I enjoy a joke that’s blue.


Poem With These Words writing prompt entry
Writing Prompt
The challenge is to write a poem that includes the words provided. Your poem can be of any type.

The words:

love - hate - clean - filthy
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