General Poetry posted April 13, 2022

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Contest Entry

Layla and Ray

by Raul1

My name is Layla and
I won't ever forgive Ray,
he acted like a jerk in high school,
My friends and I gave him
tough social life for many years.
I can't ever repay him for all his
intentional errors on all of us.

My name is Ray,
I made mistakes back then
because I was a kid in school,
Layla and her friends will forgive me later for it.
All this tough social life will pass,
and I will apologize to my
former high school graduates.
I have repented and learned my lessons
for what I have wrongly done to them.

Two Sides To Every Story writing prompt entry
Writing Prompt
Write a poem about a situation from the perspective of two people. There should be two stanzas. The first stanza should be someone describing something that happend. The second should be describing the same thing from their view point.
Pays one point and 2 member cents.

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