General Poetry posted July 25, 2022

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Biden is asleep a the wheel


by Willie P. Smith

I'm writing this poem, while very mad.
America's in trouble and that's very sad.
Lefties think only of themselves,
We need leaders from the top shelves.

I've been thinking and made up my mind,
Before America gets left too far behind.
I'm running my Aussie for Americas leader
For twenty twenty four, we don't need a repeater.

She fits all the requirements, as qualified as can get.
A puppy hasn't been elected President yet.
Only cerain citizens are qualified.
Common sense and ability have been nullified.

We've allowed everyone to run but a puppy, you see
And that's just plain racism to me.


Our America writing prompt entry
Writing Prompt
Write a poem, any length or type, about what you think of the current state of our country...don't hold back. Even if you don't live in the United States, what do you think?

Color or sex should not give a person a job they can not handle. The person to lead America must, as President T. Roosevelt stated, "Walk softly, but carry a big stick."
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