General Poetry posted August 28, 2022

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poem about life as a late teen

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by tempeste

With clammy hands
a very NERVOUS Christine
 waits for the test's verdict.

It happened all so quick;
they found a secluded niche
for their outdoor picnic.

He relished her lipstick
then popped out his joystick
and in the throes of passion
they lost it.

 Two weeks later;
she was decidedly feeling sick
this morning at six.

Thoughts, all but EXCITING,
now START to flow:
what if
a NEW life has began to grow,
a tiny spark... to glow ?
Mother won' t handle well the blow
and father will confront her beau.

The tense wait is at its END,
what changes lay around the bend ?

She bites hard on her bottom lip,
 reaches for the pregnancy stick
and reads the test strip...


Use These Words writing prompt entry
Writing Prompt
Write a poem using these words






beau, boyfriend in French.
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