General Fiction posted October 27, 2022

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A Cat's story


by zanya

As soon as the first rays of dawn light creep under the back door I arch my back and stretch with all my calico flair. Since ten- year- old Johnny loves to leave the cat flap open all night, I can roam freely, maybe chase an early morning bird in the treetops. Al least let those feathered creatures know I'm on the prowl.

The neighbourhood is quiet at this early hour. Later on, the little girl next door may press her button nose to the windowpane to get a closer look at me.

On my arrival in this neighbourhood about a year ago, I was puzzled by the attention I was getting. Was it my calico coat or my svelte shape as I scaled tree trunks?

Maybe the local Tabbies and Toms don't indulge in such acrobatics. Lots of phone cameras clicked as I padded precariously by.

Pride began to take over as I preened my calico coat with aplomb. Maybe I was going to be a Tik Tok star! A billionaire cat in the making! 

Then one day I overheard two of the neighbours talking, Mr Jenkins who lives at the bottom of our street, Katnapp street and Pearl Atkin who loves cats a lot. 

I heard the word 'paws' several times in their conversation. You see, we cats may not speak a language, but we do recognise a few familiar sounds.

Eureka! I got it, why all the staring in my direction. I'm the now famous three-legged cat that lives in Katnapp Street. Wonder why my street has that name. Was this street once home to another famous cat besides me?

Is that why I'm feeling a little twinge of jealousy right now? Will have to keep my  twitching ears alert for clues

Dunno how I am a cat with just three legs and one missing on the back left. Some kitty trauma? Who knows? I'll be back to tell you if I find out...

MIAOW for now.................


A Cat's Story writing prompt entry
Writing Prompt
Write a story about a house cat. Word count 300-350. Black font only. Keep it G-rated--suitable for children.


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