Biographical Fiction posted October 27, 2022

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A true story about a cosmic cat

A Cat's Story

by jake cosmos aller

Sam Adams was a cat lover.  The cat that he would always remember was the cat he dubbed the “Cosmic Cat from Berkeley”.  He met the Cosmic Cat in 2000 when he was in Berkeley visiting his mother while on leave from the Foreign Service taking a few weeks off between assignments.

During his visit, every morning a black cat, the cosmic cat, was waiting outside his childhood home waiting for him. Sam started talking to the cat and realized that the cat was more than just a simple cat, the cat had the spirit of the divine within him, looking at Sam with soulful black diamond eyes boring into his very soul. Sam started telling the cat everything. Including his fears about his mom losing her mind to the ravages of age and Alzheimer’s. The cosmic cat was a big comfort to Sam as the cat seemed to know what Sam was going through.

Every morning, he woke up did his yoga, had a cup of coffee, and went and saw the cosmic cat waiting for him. Sam look forward to his daily talks with the cosmic cat and over the next few weeks, the cosmic cat was his constant companion comforting him in his hour of need. Sam knew the cosmic cat was in tune with the divine. Sometimes, when he walked outside, he saw waiting for him, looking at him as if he was some kind of Buddha cat, deep in meditation.  

He told his mother that there was a cosmic cat in the neighborhood. His mother said,

 “Yes, I know about the cosmic cat. He has been visiting me.  I know that the cosmic cat was eagerly waiting for you to provide you with comfort in our hour of need.”

That was his last conversation


A Cat's Story writing prompt entry
Writing Prompt
Write a story about a house cat. Word count 300-350. Black font only. Keep it G-rated--suitable for children.

Write a story about a house cat. Word count 300-350. Black font only. Keep it G-rated--suitable for children.
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