General Poetry posted April 5, 2023 Chapters:  ...4 5 -6- 7... 

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Poem 6

A chapter in the book Seasons of Change

Seasons of Nature - VI

by JLR

Seasons of Nature


The emergence of a new spring day,
as early sun’s glow warms the way.
Transparency will go away.
Thick cloak of fog retreats today.

Meadowlarks warble and whistle
flying around the prickly thistle,
and sound like a great epistle

as the frogs croak their dismissal.

Just hearing nature sing, I smile
and watch the trees stretch up a mile.
Life leans onto the sun in style
I want to linger here awhile.

Alas, I must make my retreat,
I walk toward a busy street.
Where I will find those I can greet
while I still cling to natures' beat.



Poem 6- NaPoMoWriMo contest

Four momo rhymed quatrains

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