General Poetry posted April 7, 2023

This work has reached the exceptional level
Used for many things.


by pookietoo

Needles are used again and again.
They are used to ease many 
kinds of pain.
Including dental, neck back, and head.
They're many colors including red.
Crocheting needles our trusty friends.
They used to weave in all the loose ends.
They used to repair holes on a chair.
Felting needles will reroot dolls' hair.
Large needles are used to sew on a quilt;
Will fix stuffed animals which are built,
Used to mend many clothes we wear.
Whatever is fixed is stitched with care.
Knitting I have not yet learned to do.
These needles - quite large, circular too.
Because needles are important to use,
They should be something we should not lose.

An object writing prompt entry
Writing Prompt
Write a poem about any object which you love the most let it be perfume,books,etc.
Pays one point and 2 member cents.

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