General Poetry posted April 11, 2023 Chapters:  ...8 9 -10- 11... 

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A chapter in the book An April Fool

Rabbits, Hares & Squirrels

by sunnilicious

Rabbits live everywhere except Antarctica...
I must live in Antarctica,
Because I haven't seen a bunny yet.

Be content in knowing hares aren't rabbits.
Hares are born with fur that changes color;
They must be undomesticated and wild.
Bunnies are born furless and preemie,
Because they want all our love.

Bunnies have a third eyelid that is clear.
So, they look awake when they are asleep.

The Rabbit is nicknamed "Bunny".
The Squirrel use to be nicknamed "Bun".
Rabbits and squirrels look nothing alike.

Beatrix Potter was an Victorian-era author
That wrote fables about bunnies and hares.
These books and breeder shows drew a buying frenzy,
But it was mostly for the hares.

The Easter Bunny is just a silly notion,
Because there is no history;
No evil horror films either...
However, there are recipes for
Rabbit Cacciatore and Rabbit Stew;
Play with the bunnies, but don't eat them.

1) 6 Floppy Facts About Bunnies -
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Artwork by Lilibug6 at

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