General Poetry posted April 24, 2023 Chapters:  ...14 15 -16- 17... 

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rhymed poem

A chapter in the book An April Fool


by sunnilicious

The dinosaurs once roamed the Earth
Anything about dinosaurs is good
One asteroid didn't kill their worth
Entertainment misunderstood

Lizard depictions won over sporty feathers
If we want to know more we research it
Dino gummies anytime or weather
Dino show, or movie... Let me get an admit.

What flavor would that dino ice cream be?

NOTES: I took 2 days off and became very sick when jumping on again. It all feels so left field like surreal. I am a lot better now but still underweather. Forgive me. I would try to catch up.

1) 6 Fascinating Facts About the World of Dinosaurs -
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