General Poetry posted April 28, 2023 Chapters:  ...17 18 -19- 20... 

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A chapter in the book An April Fool

History Fluff

by sunnilicious

I always liked knowing GW cut the cherry tree.
You can't tell me that's not true now.
This is going to change my life.
How is this going to change my life?

growing cherry tree
future president holds hatchet
oh my goodness

I always liked knowing Edison invented the light buld
You can't tell me that isn't true now.
This is going to change my life.
How is this going to change my life?

man made a lightbulb
it changed life as we know it
happiness exists

I always liked knowing Marie Antoinette liked everyone with cake
You can't tell me that isn't true now.
This is going to change my life.
How is this going to change my life?

french queen likes to share
mustn't be selfish, cake for all
rapture of sweetness

1) Interesting Facts, 5 Famous Events in History That Never Really Happened -
Pays one point and 2 member cents.

Artwork by avmurray at

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