General Poetry posted April 30, 2023 Chapters:  ...16 17 -18- 19... 

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A life changing experience

A chapter in the book Life's Sweetest Rewards

Natural Wonders

by BermyBye50


Exploring Nature's awesome unknown,

Every sense is heightened, fully grown,

Thro' well-worn winding trails I roam,

Reverence brings my soul back home.


The rustling leaves, the chirping birds,

Inspires a thoughtful garden of words,

Their melodies create a soothing balm,

A passionate chorus that inspires calm.


On reflection, hope changes my outlook,

The rushing stream, the babbling brook,

The peaceful joy gently flows to and fro,

In awe, my spirit uplifted begins to glow.


Nature's magic, is a gift without compare,

Its vibrant colors inspire heartfelt prayer,

Admiring its beauty is ever fresh and true,

Filling my spirit with wonderment anew.

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