Children Poetry posted April 30, 2023 Chapters:  ...17 18 -19- 20... 

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All the fun we enjoyed in our youth

A chapter in the book Life's Sweetest Rewards

The Joys of Childhood

by BermyBye50


Oh, the joys of childhood,

When we looked up at the stars,

And talked about what lay beyond,

Wondering if there were other worlds.


Oh, the joys of childhood,

When we played a game of tag

Chasing each other around for hours,

Laughing until our legs could run no more.


Oh, the joys of childhood,

When we played jacks, hopscotch,

Skipped jump rope and hosted tea parties,

And hide and seek until the midnight hour.


Oh, the joys of childhood,

When we built and raced go-karts

Rode in wagons, tricycles, and bikes,

Playing marbles games and spinning tops.


Oh, the joys of childhood,

When we dreamed up worlds,

And let our imaginations run wild,

Spinning imaginary tales of make-believe.


Oh, the joys of childhood,

We’d play games until sunset,

Sharing special secrets and stories,

Imagining fun games that filled our day.


Oh, the joys of childhood,

When we were free and wild,

Our days were spent in playful bliss,

Of laughter, love, and neverending play.


Oh, the joys of childhood,

Of those blissful days so dear,

When our imaginations ran wild,

And daily worries were not to be found.


Oh, the joys of childhood,

All the fun we loved in our youth,

Precious memories that will last forever,

A treasure we'll always keep close inside.

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