General Flash Fiction posted July 11, 2023

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Contest Entry

Grandpa Simon

by Raul1

An 88-year-old grandfather goes on drinking his coffee. He talks to his nephews and nieces. They always give him what he needs.
"No matter what happens. I will still love you all," Simon says.
"We know Grandpa. We'll love you, too. It would help if you didn't go," His Niece responds.
"I only have very little to live. You all have so much to live for because you are all young," Simon says.
His nephews and nieces start crying because they will never see him again. Simon dies, and they all mourn his death. They're understanding what he told them.

Flash 100 writing prompt entry
Writing Prompt
Write a flash fiction story. But you can only use 100 words. Exactly. Title does not count in the word count.
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