Self Improvement Poetry posted July 18, 2023

This work has reached the exceptional level
Looping-Acrostic (everyday)

Moving on while missing You

by kahpot

Everyday, you live in memory's vault
Vault that's holding yesterdays emotions
Emotions withdrawn, thoughtfully retained
Retained for a time, but now they all yearn
Yearn release, to another's heart deserved
Deserved yet denied until you I ask
Ask for new mem'ries to stay beside yours
Yours that accompany me, everyday



Thank you Cindy Sue Truman for the artwork

Moving on while missing a passed loved one is hard
A Looping-Acrostic is a Loop poem and Acrostic poem
in one, without rhyme
Pays one point and 2 member cents.

Artwork by Cindy Sue Truman at

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