Children Flash Fiction posted August 11, 2023

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A 100 word story


by RodG

Amy Peabody, in red beret and matching mittens, marched right up to Dr. Adams sitting in a chair by his desk.

“Dolly is very sick.”  Frowning, she thrust her red-haired doll at him.

The doctor smiled at Amy.  “What ailment could this fine doll possibly have?

“She don’t say ‘Mama’ no more.”

Dr. Adams probed Dolly’s chest with his stethoscope.

“Hmmm,” he said.  “She has a bad case of hug-a-me.  You take her home, hug her close all day and talk to her!”

Amy pouted.  “You sure that’ll work?”

“Only If you smile.  Smiles are the cure.”

Amy left smiling.

100 Word Story writing prompt entry
Writing Prompt
Write a story of 100 words. Any subject accepted. Must be exactly 100 words.

Artwork is by Norman Rockwell and courtesy of Google images.

WORD COUNT: 100 Apple Pages
Pays one point and 2 member cents.

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