General Flash Fiction posted August 12, 2023

Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted
Happy but lonely, the other woman.

The Other Woman

by Nina Sexton

Myrah knows she's special, for he treats her like a queen, and every Thursday they convene. This eve his favorite of spaghetti, to commiserate his birthday with confetti. Champagne and a massage, she wears his corsage. Until tomorrow, when they part with sorrow. She knows his life belongs with his wife.
The other women frown.
In this affair, there is no happy ending, do they dare? He loves her for her heart but forgets it when they're apart. Myrah is a believer though and she can't hang on forever in tow. She escapes that clown before he lets her drown.

100 Word Story writing prompt entry
Writing Prompt
Write a story of 100 words. Any subject accepted. Must be exactly 100 words.
Pays one point and 2 member cents.

Artwork by Renate-Bertodi at

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