General Poetry posted September 22, 2023

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Healing time is an illusion

No Such Magic

by Jessica Wheeler


I pray you're not dismayed when I confess

Time hasn't healed the pain, I hurt no less

Without a wand to wield or spell to cast 

I fear the grief in me will only last 


So see me stand before you, bare and stark 

Don't underestimate her lasting mark 

If there's a trick or trance, then I'll be healed 

But realms of grief and time have not revealed 


The quest I'm on to heal, I fear ends tragic 

For I have yet to come across this magic


10 Line Poem writing prompt entry
Writing Prompt
Write a poem of any type. But it should have a total of 10 lines.

My inspiration for this piece was drawn not only from my own experience with grief, but from what I have witnessed loved ones go through through, as well. The general assumption that with time, wounds should heal, is unfair. Some are so deep, that they may never close.

Many push for this out of sincere love, unaware that it can cause further heartache. The worst thing we can be for a grieving loved one, is impatient. There is no magic fix, nor should there be a deadline. Have patience and be kind.
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