General Poetry posted September 22, 2023

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a swirling symphony

Bees, Bees, Bees...

by BermyBye50

10 Line Poem Contest Winner 

Bees, bees, bees, what a peculiar sight,

In the golden glow of the warm sunlight.

A swarm of honey bees takes to the air,

In a frenetic dance, they leave their lair.

It all began with a royal decree,

Two queens in the hive, creating a frenzy,

The colony was bustling with life anew,

Only one-half of the bees knew what to do.

Abuzz in a cloud, aswirl wild and free,

Awaiting the reign of the queen-to-be.

Writing Prompt
Write a poem of any type. But it should have a total of 10 lines.

10 Line Poem
Contest Winner
Pays one point and 2 member cents.

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