Mystery and Crime Fiction posted November 2, 2023 Chapters:  ...8 9 -10- 11... 

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Brock Daniels Relieved Of His Sheriff Duties

A chapter in the book Cody Moments


by Brett Matthew West

(Special kudos to Douglas Goff for his The Sequel contest I really wanted to enter this story in. However, since it is a Blind contest, simply naming Cody would allow everyone to know who wrote the piece. As I told Douglas, best regards for his contest.)


Cast Of Main Characters:

Cody Jaxon Schroder - Mix of curiosity, mischief-maker, and a tad of altar boy thrown in for good measure. Ward of Sheriff Brock Daniels and Beth Sorenson. Born in Palo Pinto. Now relocated to the small West Texas town of Astatula.

Sheriff Brock Daniels - Long-time sheriff of Astatula and Cody's guardian

Beth Sorenson - Fiance of Sheriff Brock Daniels. Brought Cody to Astatula from Palo Pinto.

Malachi Mansfield - Mayor of Astatula


The placards displayed by the passionate and boisterous Astatula citizens were written in dark black, boldface print with thick and heavy lines for emphasis. As the large crowd marched around in riotous demonstration, each one of them chanted over and over, " Hero! Hero! Hero!"

Cody knew, and understood, what their emphasized commotion was in response to. He'd never before supported a cause as much as he did this one. Everyone agreed the unsuitable situation rang full of inappropriateness and demanded their voices be heard.

He glanced a furtive peep out the opened front door of the Daniels' residence to avoid discovery. Cody recalled the sheriff had left no cards unturned. He'd made every possible effort to resolve the problem in an amicable manner with goodwill and the desire for an absence of antagonism.

Sheriff Daniels explained to Cody, "I used my patrol cruiser to stop the moving car in which I observed three small tots in the backseat and no driver. They were 2, 3, and 6 years old."

Triggered by the injustice, and feeling the sheriff had been mistreated, an irate Beth almost threw her water glass across the room. She said, "And, instead of receiving a commendation for another job supremely well done, Brock, you were suspended for one week without pay by that unqualified narcissistic liar Mayor Malachi Mansfield."

"Mansfield and I have butted heads before because of his inflated ego. We've bickered and expressed different opinions about several matters where we have struggled to get along because neither one of us will surrender an inch. Sometimes, in very angry and annoyed fashions," Sheriff Daniels responded.

Not placated by the sheriff's response, Beth said, "What fries my butt the most about this entire situation is Mansfield labeled your actions as not only department policy violations, but careless neglect. The dingus halfwit must think you are at his complete mercy. If his decisions weren't bad enough, he went as far as to call them intentional waste, loss, or damage to Astatula-owned property. Is there any wonder I'm opposing him in this upcoming election? Mansfield needs to be removed from office, pronto!"

"In Mansfield's book, it does not matter I have been the duly-elected sheriff of Astatula for more than fifteen years, or an overwhelming majority of voters know the job I have done in this town. Mansfield did not care my dashboard camera verified the exact stoppage steps I took. All he was concerned about were antiquated department policies and stifling statutes."

His objections to Mansfield's accusations apparent, Cody protested, "You were chasing armed robbery suspects driving the KIA you stopped."

Sheriff Daniels informed them, "The three children were hers. I watched her leap out of the driver's seat while the Sportage was still engaged and moved. She was found hiding out at the Goldberg Bakery on Spruce Street. Soon thereafter, a second suspect jumped out of the car from the front passenger seat, which left the vehicle driverless as it approached the steep downhill through the Cassandra Boulevard intersection."

"Brock, didn't you tell me the three-year-old hung on to the inside of the vehicle so she wouldn't fall out?" Beth asked.

"It sounds like you saved her life by stopping the runaway car like you did," Cody added.

"I feared for the safety of those three children since I could determine the car picked up speed, and you know how congested Cassandra Boulevard, the main drag through Astatula, can be."

"Your body camera captured you racing full tilt to the KIA to check on those children," Beth commented.

"Screaming and loud crying tend to make me take such measures," Sheriff Daniels replied. He reached out and patted Cody on the seat of his jeans. "Especially when those sounds come from the younger set."

"Fortunately, they were unharmed," Cody stated.

"What gets me is Suspect Number Three remained in the backseat with the children...and did nothing to prevent them getting injured, or worse."

"Doesn't Mansfield comprehend this car contained three little, helpless, children in it? No, all he said was you hit a car with children in it. Then he demanded, was that the smartest way to prevent the vehicle from moving? As if you're some kind of an idiot," Beth huffed.

"At least, you arrested all three of the no good crooks," Cody stated. He sucked a sip from his soda can. "I'd quit being the sheriff. Let Mansfield risk his life chasing criminals to keep us all safe like you do!"

"Quitting is never the answer, Cody. You never accomplish anything by quitting."

"Mansfield is the one who needs to quit, being such a dirtbag slimeball, that is! I'll do anything I can, Beth, to help get you elected Mayor. That's a promise!"

"Thank you, Cody. I appreciate your support."

"Reckon I best go outside and talk to our fellow Astatulans gathered to invigorate me."

Cody and Beth wrapped their arms around the lawman's waist in an illuminated manifestation of endorsement. In unison they assured him, "Not without us by your side you're not."

Removing all distractions from his mind, the conscientious and devoted Sheriff Daniels scanned his placarded front lawn. The townspeople's show of solidarity for all the hard efforts he had instilled into his job performance over the course of the last decade and a half reflected in their demonstrated agreement with his support. Their cheers, compliments, and expressions of confidence in him encouraged the sheriff.

Seeing them walk out of the house, someone yelled out, "There was no reason for the sheriff to be suspended!"

His proturberant eyes fluttered wide, a senior citizen in a red shirt stated, "He saved three children. The sheriff being suspended is an outrageous calamity of justice!"

Energized and animated in their conversation, the demonstrative crowd started up, "Protect and serve! Not a robot! Protect and serve! Not a robot!"

Sheriff Daniels analyzed the circumstances of the packed throng's presence and drew mental conclusions to interpret methods of how they could work together to validate their point. A reluctant thought lingered longer than he expected. After he served his suspension would he resume his office?

The placards displayed by the passionate and boisterous Astatula citizens were written in dark black, boldface print with thick and heavy lines for emphasis.

This is Evan, by Lilibug6, selected to complement all my Cody Schroder books and stories.
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Artwork by Lilibug6 at

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