Song Lyrics Poetry posted December 12, 2023

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Married love grows through life to become infinite at death


by Norm Valentine

When I first saw your mother, I came to believe in love
She was in a field of spring-green with a blue-water sky
The blue matched her dress and her mood
And the green was her eyes

When your mother first saw me, I don't know if she loved
She didn't say so, but she shone
I didn't say so, but when she left
Life seemed all alone

And then she returned, we were wed in our love
And you, children, became the love
Of us both

Reasons for life, we kept you
We kept you from hate and from harm
Reasons for life, we held and we helped
And now you are making others warm
And still loving us

Your mother is as loving in light
As she is beautiful in night
And as she sleeps, I see my love grow
And as she lives beside me
I see her love then, but more now

Soon we're to slip apart for a time
And as we go, the love that began unknowing
And continued its increase of the years
Will become the infinity of a brief separation
A paradox of love with no more room to grow

And then through a glass not so darkly
A forever of the love of all

Love writing prompt entry
Writing Prompt
Write a poem about something or someone you love.

I am Norm Valentine from Minnesota. I write songs, poetry, short stories and even a two act play a few years ago that makes people cry.

This love poem is actually song lyrics.
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