General Poetry posted January 3, 2024

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Nature is my sanctuary

Winter Peace

by RodG

Whenever endless winter days

oppress me, cause anxiety,

in snow-filled woods where silence reigns

I find true peace, tranquility.


I’ll stroll beside a sluggish stream,

its glinting surface sheathed in ice.

Blue spruce nearby wear snow-fur stoles

as winter vistas charm, entice.


Though cheerless skies are overhead,

I’ll trek along a pristine trail

through silky drifts, by tumbled trees

across a bridge into a swale.


And if by chance I see a doe

  alert and looking back at me,

I’ll stop, delighted I can share

the peace, this glen’s serenity.

Write a Rhyming Poem writing prompt entry
Writing Prompt
Write a poem that rhymes using any rhyme scheme you like. No FreeVerse. Must be more than one stanza. Any topic, but keep it clean.

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