Commentary and Philosophy Non-Fiction posted January 8, 2024 Chapters:  ...4 5 -6- 7 

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hurt again

A chapter in the book Second Chances

To lose the key

by Iza Deleanu

"I feel like my heart is bleeding, and I want to be locked down with the key forgotten. Every step in this storm makes me feel like the Little Mermaid. I lose myself with every step, and my hope fades away with every thought and gesture. When I look deep down inside my soul, I see nothing. Have I lost my mind? Where is my hope, and most importantly, where is my faith? I need to sit this one out and heal myself from the cruelty of the words that have cut me to the core. Let that poison ooze out and fill those holes with the sun's warmth. I need to dry out my old self and make space for the new me, blessed with God's mercy."

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