General Fiction posted February 10, 2024 Chapters: 1 -2- 3... 

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Friends and family from Southern Cali surprise the girls.

A chapter in the book I Found My Heart In San Francisco

I Found My Heart Ch 1 Pt. 2

by LoniLove

I Found My Heart In S.F. Ch 1 Pt 2

"Oh my God! Your dad was going to shoot him for real?" Exclaimed Desaray. 
"No, not really. The gun wasn't loaded. He just wanted to scare him. T.J. still came around to see me after that.  My Dad really did want to kill him when I thought I was pregnant with T.J.'s baby a few months later. I was still just 18 going on 19 years old." Said Kara. 
"What happened?" Asked Raven 
"Like I said, T.J. was a musician trying to make it in the music business. He also was a male model who worked for a professional  modeling agency. I told you that he was a very good looking guy. Hell, so were my other three exes Joey, Vince, and Johnny. The could have been models too. 
"Anyway, T.J. and I just sort of drifted apart. His career was more important to him than I was, and I didn't want to hold him back. I thought I was pregnant with his child and I didn't want to tell him. My dad wanted to kill him, but he had already left and moved to Los Angeles to pursue his dreams. Then, I went to see my doctor and it turned out that I was not pregnant after all. My period was just late that month. I was a little relieved about that because I didn't want my father or my brothers to go find T.J. and tell him I was pregnant. They would have demanded that he step up and take care of both me and the baby. I think he would have resented me later for that. I never saw him again after that." Kara concluded. 
"Wow! You've had some serious relationships." Said Cookie. 
"I have." Kara agreed. 
"Now it's time for you to have another major love in your life. This one should make you happy and love you for a lifetime. He should be your soulmate, Your lover and your best friend, because honey, Donnie was not it. Not by any stretch of the imagination." Cookie told her. 
"I know that's right." Chey agree with what Cookie said one hundred percent. 
The other girls agreed with it themselves. Their friend deserved something better and they truly hoped that something better was just around the corner for her. 
"I am so glad that you left that man and that you never tied yourself down to him in marriage because that was not a good relationship for you at all. He was not the man for you." Chey continued. "And I'm very happy that you never got pregnant with his child. We all would have still loved that child because he is a part of you. He can't help that his Daddy is a scum sucking pig, but I wouldn't have wanted to see you tied down to Donnie that way. He would only have made your life a living hell. You were already miserable with him as it was." 
Chey spoke honestly about her feelings. She always had. In her opinion, it would have been the biggest mistake ever if Kara had married Donnie. It would have been a total disaster because Donnie was not a nice person at all. He was a selfish, self-centered, uncaring, and mean person. He cared nothing for Kara or her feelings. He was verbally, mentally, and physically abusive to her. A common bully or thug. The sad part was, Donnie wasn't an ugly man. He was actually quite nice looking, if you only looked at him on the outside. That was his appeal. It was what was on the inside that made him an ugly person. 
He was a mean and insensitive jerk. A bully who did not mind hurting people who he viewed as being weaker than he was. He was not the nurturing kind to say the least. Nor was he someone whom you would want to trust your heart to. Maybe the next person that Kara met and fell in love with would be someone who is sweet and kind, who would love and cherish her, and show her a passion she has never known. Chey truly wished that for her. Truth be known, it was what Kara's heart truly wished for too. 
"It may not have been meant for you and T.J. to last as a couple, but I'm pretty sure that you will have another true love in your life. You need it, and you deserve it after putting up with Donnie's crap for months." Tay Tay gave her a big hug. 
"I would have dumped that loser a long time ago." Said Paris. "He didn't deserve you." 
"Thanks ladies, really." Kara smiled at her friends. She knew that her friends loved her if nobody else did. She loved them too. "I'm over Donnie now, and I don't even want to think about him anymore. It's time to move on to bigger and better things." 
"Amen sister!" Said Raven. 
"What do you look for in a man, Kara? Do you have a wish list?" Prie Prie asked her. 
Kara thought about it for a moment.
"Yeah, she has a wish list alright, and Michael Jackson is number one on it!" Cookie teased. 
The girls all fell out laughing. They all knew that Kara was a huge fan of the famous Pop singer Michael Jackson. That was not secret. Everybody who knew Kara knew that. Chey definitely had not forgotten how crazy she was about him. Kara just laughed it off. 
"You know it's true." Cookie grinned. 
"It would be great to have Michael Jackson in my life if it were possible to get him, but that's only a dream. I just want a man who is kind and caring. Someone who is a beautiful person on the inside as well as on the outside. A man who is mild tempered and not afraid to show affection for his woman. He's not afraid to hold your hand, he likes to call you Honey. He will tell you that he loves you, and will tell the whole world he loves you if it's necessary. He will greet you with a smile and a kiss whenever he see you. He cares about how your day went. He cares about your hopes and dreams, and he does not mind sharing his thoughts and hopes with you. 
"He doesn't have to be a super hero, be perfect, or be a big talker. He can be the strong and silent type, but his actions will speak louder than his words. No matter how busy his life may get, he will still make sure he has time for me and love me without condition. He also must have some kind of spirituality and some direction in life. He cannot be the lazy type and not want to get up and go to work. He also must be a family oriented man because family is very important. I want to have kids someday so I want someone who will be a good father. That's basically it." Kara said. 
"Wow! That is quite a wish list. Although, I can't say that I blame you. I would want somebody to have all of those qualities too, and I that Chris has them." Said Chey. 
"You just described most of the guys in the Crew." Said Tay Tay. "We're all just a little bit spoiled." 
"We are some very lucky women." Said Diamond. "That is why we married these men, and why some of us are getting married soon. That is also what this Valentine's Day party will be all about. It will be about how much we love our men, how much they mean to us, and how much we appreciate the love that they give." 
"It's a celebration of our love." Raven summed it up. 
"Exactly." Keisha agreed. 
"See." Said Kara. "That is why I don't want to go! You all have something to celebrate. You will be celebrating your love with your men, and I don't have a reason to celebrate. I can stay home, pop some popcorn, and watch my favorite movie Seven Brides for Seven Brothers. Or I could watch some nice romantic comedy on T.V., or I could read a nice juicy romance novel until I get sleepy. That's good enough for me." 
"Nonsense woman. You are going to go to that dance even if I have to drag you by your toes!" Chey was persistent. "You will not sit at home alone and feel sorry for yourself. We are going to get you a date some way. We still have time. I know a couple of hot Latino men who live down the street from me who just might be available. I'll have to ask them about that. They are brothers. One is a construction worker, and the other is a police detective or something. They may not be as exciting as Michael Jackson, but they are both the type of man you like. They are strong, good looking, sweet, hard working men. I will ask one of them to take you to the party if necessary, and set it up so that you can meet them beforehand, then you can give them your address and phone number and have one of them pick you up at 8:00 on Saturday." 
"Damn...Chey! You would do all of that for me?" Kara was completely surprised. 
"Yes I would." Chey answered. "I would do anything to get you to that dance. I can't make you go, but I would do anything to get you to come and enjoy yourself. I really don't want to see you sitting at home alone on Valentines's Day while the rest of your friends are having a good time. Not because of Donnie." 
Kara gave her a big hug. If Chey were willing to go through all of this trouble to make sure she went to the party she guess she would consider letting her set her up with a date whoever he may be. She just prayed to God that she wouldn't live to regret it later. 
"If these guys are as hot as you say, I'm sure they probably have a couple of girlfriends around somewhere that they should be spending Valentine's Day with. What are their names?" Kara asked. 
"Again, I'll have to talk to them first and see if they are available." Chey told her. "Their names are Allesandro and Dominick Casarez, I think. Chris talks to them more than I do. You know that Chris is not going to let nobody hurt you. If they are taken, or if they have other plans, then I will think of someobody else. Just don't give up on me okay?" 
"Okay." Kara gave in. 
"Then you'll do it? You will go out with whoever I can get you for a date?" Chey asked. 
"Yes, I'll go." Kara answered. 
"Good." Chey smiled. "I promise you I will set you up with somebody nice. He will not be a scrub, a thug or a geek. Whoever he is, he will be somebody that you will like." 
"Okay. I'm trusting you Chey." 
"You should go ahead and take a chance Kara. At least you won't have to feel like the oddball, and you won't be alone." Said Paris. "We're just talking about one date. You don't have to marry the guy or fall in love with him. Just have yourself a good time." 
"Who knows what the future may hold." Raven said optimistically. "You might fool all of us and end up getting married by the end of the Summer." 
"Yeah right, and I'm the Tooth Fairy." Said Kara skeptically. 
She had just broken up with her ex-boyfiend as was pointed out earlier, and she wasn't dating  anyone else at the moment. She had no reason to believe that she would be getting married anytime in the near future. 
"You'll never know Kara, stranger things have happened." Said Desaray always trying to be positive. "I never expected to get married so soon either."
"I did. Hell, I thought I would get married at 18 years old." Diamond quipped. 
"Girl please! You were just getting started with your man at 18." Prie Prie told her. 
"He still should have married me right away. I was looking forward to eloping." Diamond said jokingly. 
The other girls laughed at that. 
"Girl, you are so crazy." Said Tay Tay. 
At that moment, Chey's telephone rang. She excused herself and answered the call. She was thinking that it was probably some more of her friends trying to catch up with her and see what she was doing today, or maybe it was one of her sisters. She didn't have any idea of the big surprise that was in store for her. 
It turned out to be her mother calling. She called to invite Chey to the family house for a backyard barbecue, but that was not her only reason for calling. She also wanted Chey to come to the house because there was a house full of guests from out-of-town who were there to see her. She asked Chey to come to the house right away, and she invited her to bring her friends along with her. She knew that Chey always had a lot of friends around her most of the time. Chey agreed to come and they hung up.
After a few minutes of deliberating about who could be here from out-of-town to visit her, Chey grabbed her purse, jacket, cellphone, and keys, and she and her friends left to go to her parent's house. They grouped into three different cars. Diamond, LaKara, and Prie Prie rode with Chey. Brittney, Keisha, and Raven rode with Paris. Tay Tay, Desaray, and India rode with Cookie.
Meanwhile, Chey's mother kept the group of visitors from out-of-town entertained while Chey and her friends were on their way. The visitors were some cousins from Bel Air whom Chey handn't seen in a while. They were Chanelle Kirkland b.k.a. Cupcake, twins Jody and Cody Kirkland, Lajuane Kirkland, Darius Kirkland b.k.a. Darry, Page Kirkland, Shamara Kirkland, and Leshay Kirkland. They were there with their mates and a whole lot of friends from the Los Angeles area and the surrounding suburbs who Chey had known for years, but hadn't seen in a while. They came to town and visited Chey from time to time. 
One surprise was that Chey's ex-boyfriend Anthony Garrison b.k.a. Tony G. came with the Crew this time. It had bee an long time since she had seen him. They both had moved on to other relationships, but they were still friends. He just wanted to visit her and see how she was doing along with the rest of the Crew. 
The biggest surprise of all was that the Pop Idol Michael Jackson himself was among that group of friends. He was there with some of his brothers and sisters, Marlon, Brandon, Dario, Randy, Chanelle b.k.a. Breenie, and LeKisa b.k.a. Kisa, and all of their mates.
They were close family friends of Chey's and her cousins.  Chey and Michael were good friends, but she hadn't seen him and his family in a long time either. Michael was taking a brief vacation from his busy schedule, and he just wanted to visit Chey and see how she was doing the same as all of the rest did. He adored Chey and she was like a little sister to him. In fact, Chey her cousin Cupcake, and his own sister Breenie were three of the women who were the closest to him. He had no idea that one more woman would come along to capture his heart and become the closest person to him yet, the special "Lady in His Life." 
About 15 minutes later, Chey and her friends arrived at her parent's large ranch style house. She was indeed shocked by all of the people she saw there. So were the rest of her friends. They had no idea that so many people had come from Southern California  to visit Chey and her family. Chey was absolutely thrilled to see her cousins from Bel Air and all of their friends. She went around and greeted everybody with hugs and kisses. 
"I can't believe it!" Chey exclaimed. "All of you came up here together?" She looked at all of the people around her. 
"Yes, we did." Said Cupcake and gave her another hug. 
"I couldn't imagine who Mama was talking about when she said that I had company from out-of-town over here. I thought she meant that Marc and his family were here from New York." She told them. 
Marciano Kirkland b.k.a. Marc was one of Chey's older brothers whom they had not seen in almost a year. He was the only family member of Chey's immediate family who did not live in California. He chose to stay in New York with his girlfriend who later became his wife when the rest of the family moved to California. 
"That is the second surprise that I have in store for you and your brothers and sisters. Marc and his family are coming from New York. I spoke to them on the phone this morning too. He will be here by 6:00 or 7:00 this evening." Chey's mother told her. 
"That's not all." Her cousin Lajuane added. "Roman Harrison, Antonio Mason, and them are coming from Tucson, Arizona also." 
"What!" Chey was shocked. 
"Yes. That is who Jody is talking to on the  phone right now. He just went into the kitchen." Said Lajuane. 
"Our mother just called and told us that they were in Bel Air looking for us, now they are on their way here." Cupcake informed her. "Jody is helping them get some hotel reservations here. They should be coming by 6:00 or so themselves."
"Damn!!! Ma, you were not kidding when you said that you had a big surprise for me. I never even expected any of this today!" Chey spoke excitedly. 
"That is why I didn't want to waste time trying to explain it over the phone." Said Regina. "I just told you to come on over here and see for yourself." 
"I am in such a state of shock over seeing everyone and hearing all of this good news that I forgot to introduce you to my friends." Chey said remembering her manners. 
She might have momentarily forgotten the girls she walked in the door with, but her other friends all hadn't. Two guys in particular took personal interest in them. Michael Jackson and Cameron Thomas, the only two single men among the group. They had definitely noticed the gorgeous young women standing behind Chey. 
"Oh, we understand. Trust me." Said Princess, one of the men's girlfriends. 
At that moment, Chey's cousin Jody walked back into the room. Chey went over to greet him. 
"Hey Jody!" She spoke. 
"What's up Boo?" He gave her a big hug. "How have you been?"
"Fine." She answered.
"I'm sorry I had to bail out on you a minute ago, but I was on the phone with Marlon Campbell." Jody said.
"I was trying to help him and the rest of the Crew from Tucson find rooms at the Clarion Hotel Downtown. They are on their way here right now, but they won't get her until this evening sometime."
"Cupcake and the others were telling me." She said. "It's so good to see you."
 She looked at him. She was quite fond of her handsome cousin. 
"It's good to see you too." He replied. "It's bee awhile." He was equally as fond of her. 
"It really has." She said. "I was just about to introduce my friends to everybody." 
"Go ahead." Said Jody. 
"Everybody, this is Diamond Mc.Cloud, Desaray Bronson, Raven Garrett, Paris Mc.Claine, Shenayle Torres we call her Prie Prie, Channelle Briscoe we call her Keisha, Brittney Payne, India Barnes, Chenelle Benton we call her TayTay, Shenayle Peyton we call her Cookie, and LaKara Rhodes we call her Kara. These are just a few of my closest friends in the San Francisco Bay Area Crew as we call ourselves. I have a lot more friends in the Crew." Chey began her introductions. 
"Ladies, these are my cousins from Bel Air, you've heard me talk about them quite a bit. They're all last name Kirkland just like me. The twins are Jody and Cody, that's Lajuane, Darius we call him Darry, Page, Chanelle we call her Cupcake, Shamara who is named after her Mom, my Auntie, and this is Leshay." 
Chey went on from there to introduce her cousin's spouses, then she introduced her friends from Bel Air and their spouses. She had to have some help with some of their names because she didn't remember all of them so well. She had a lot of people to introduce. When she got around to the Jackson family, her friends were really surprised. Chey was surprised that they came herself as she had not expected them to come with the rest of the Crew. Usually, her friends Ray Patterson, Chris Hayes, and the others came down to visit her by themselves and sometimes their mates came with them. This time they brought their siblings and everyone with them. Chey knew almost everybody there, but she was still not quite acquainted with some of their mates. 
Out of everyone there, only two men did not come with a wife or a girlfriend. Those two men were Cameron Thomas and Michael Jackson himself. 
Nobody was more surprised and excite to see Michael and his family there than Kara. Kara was a huge fan of Michael Jackson and his brothers, and she was completely stunned to see him sitting there. She could not help but to stare at him just a little bit. 
Oh my God! She couldn't believe it! Michael Jackson was sitting right there in front of her eyes! She had always wanted to meet him and his family every since she was a teenager. It seemed that this was her lucky day! Her dream was finally about to come true. She got butterflies in her stomach just thinking about it. Now if she could only get up the nerve to go and speak to him. 
Kara didn't know it, but she was not the only one who was captivated. During the introductions, both of the two single men, Cameron and Michael took notice of all of the beautiful young women who stood with Chey. They didn't know if any of them were available  or not, but they took note anyway. By coincidence, both men took an interest in Kara. Michael in particular made it a point to remember her name. He thought it was a beautiful and musical sounding name. He though she was beautiful. He definitely hoped to get a chance to talk to her a little later. He had to talk to Chey and find out a little more about her first. 

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