Horror and Thriller Poetry posted February 17, 2024

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Rats eat people.

Rats Rule The Restaurant

by Raul1

The author has placed a warning on this post for violence.
Rats eat the humans in a restaurant
They lock doors by their minds
The rodents come to their legs
and they start munching on them
The other rats go to the kitchen
and feed on the cooks, waiters, and waitresses
All the people start screaming and crying for help
Blood squirts out making the tables paint red
Body parts are all over the place
Rats keep on eating those humans
Pretty soon they are all dead
The rats have done their job
It is a bloody restaurant
The place is a mess
but the rodents intend it this way today

100 Word Horror writing prompt entry
Writing Prompt
The challenge is to write a poem that contains some form of horror or thriller. No more than 100 words.
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