General Poetry posted February 17, 2024

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A walk in the woods goes hideously wrong

Wrath of the Wood Nymphs

by Terry Reilly

What started as a gentle stroll

In Midnight Forest, black as coal,

Became a prickly, nervy walk

As all around I heard them talk.

"He tramples on our sacred earth

From which The Ancestors gained birth.

Come, mighty Oaks and seal his fate.

Act now, before it is too late!"

The Dryads' urgings chilled my spine.

I flashed a peaceful palms-up sign.

Alas, the spirits wanted blood

Stout branches lashed me where I stood.

I sink, despairing, to my knees

While blows rain down from vengeful trees.

As I expire my last breath rails

Against misleading Nature Trails.

100 Word Horror writing prompt entry
Writing Prompt
The challenge is to write a poem that contains some form of horror or thriller. No more than 100 words.

Sometimes, when I walk in the woods near my home, I imagine I can hear the wood nymphs talking, disapprovingly, among themselves and muttering darkly about revenge.
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