Horror and Thriller Poetry posted February 18, 2024

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in a future world the ancient gladiator games are revived

The Revival of Gladiator Games

by jake cosmos aller

The author has placed a warning on this post for violence.

 Joe Lewis

After civil war 2.0

Found himself

 In the Christian States of America,

In a fake Roman coliseum

With ten other political prisoners.

 In a fight to the death

 Live Gladiator game,

Fighting  against themselves

 And the wild animals.

. Survivors,

If any,

 Would be given

A full pardon,

and one million dollars.

Joe’s strategy

Defeat the animals first.

Alligators, bears, lions,

 Hyenas, tigers, and wolves

Enter the pit,

 Instantly killing

Seven of the prisoners.

Joe killed a bear, a lion, and a tiger,

And then the remaining prisoners,

Winning his freedom.

100 Word Horror writing prompt entry
Writing Prompt
The challenge is to write a poem that contains some form of horror or thriller. No more than 100 words.

horror in one words

The setting is in a future Christian Fascist theocratic Christian States of America, one ten new nations in North America which emerged after Civil War 2.0. The CSA has revived the ancient Roman gladiator games, with political and religious dissidents thrown into the pit to fight each other and wild animals to the death, live on worldwide TV. The survivors, if any, receive a pardon and a large stipend.
Pays one point and 2 member cents.

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