Horror and Thriller Fiction posted March 20, 2024 Chapters:  ...24 25 -26- 27... 

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A goose is presented and a swan is dissected

A chapter in the book Old McDonald

Chapter 26

by Martin Sibley

Dwayne has moved on and is now dissecting farmyard birds. He is leaving the presentation boards in the original clearing. This is increasing the stress on the Professor. The police are closing in but
It was seven o'clock on Friday morning and the Professor was out jogging as usual. As he neared the clearing by the wood, he noticed the presentation board with a goose neatly dissected.

"Dear God! When will it all end?"

He followed the usual procedure of calling the Sergeant who would then call the CSI team. The Sergeant was the first to arrive.

"Morning Professor."

"Morning Sergeant."

"What have we got?"

"It's a goose. Nicely dissected and nicely presented. When will it all end?"

"Calm yourself Professor. We've seen much worse. I am sure we are seeing the end game. Look. The CSI team is here. Let's grab some breakfast and leave them to it."

The two men left the clearing and walked back to the university.

"Just so you know, I've had the local press sniffing round. The reporter saw the dissected duck. Well, everyone saw the dissected duck and was asking questions. I put him off, but I think he will come back."

"The press is all we need now. The dissector is going public with these birds. I have a feeling it's deliberate."

"Well, just say 'No Comment' to all his questions. Ah. Here we are. White coffee is it? Something to eat?"

They found a table to sit at and drank their coffee.

"How are you managing without your dog? I know you were very close, not having any children and all that. Oh. I'm sorry. Are you OK talking about it?"

"Yes, it's fine. We miss Henry immensely, of course. He was one of the family. We just have to catch the man, somehow."

"Don't worry Professor. We'll get him. Now try not to worry and drink your coffee."

They spent the rest of their breakfast time on idle chit-chat.

The Professor went to his office and met Tanya, who was back from her jog.

"We've had another board. A goose this time. Nicely dissected. If you saw it, you would award it an A+."

"It looks like our dissector has got what he wants. An A+ in his work."

"Yes. Perhaps he will stop now. What have we got today?"

"A dissection of a rat and then you have a lecture on anatomy this afternoon. I wouldn't expect anything else. It's the weekend so no-one will be here."

"OK. Let's prepare for the dissection."

Dwayne was contemplating his next move.

'A chicken, I think. I still have the horse, but the police are closing in. Best stay with farmyard birds. After the chicken, a swan and then finish.'

Dwayne was at the pig farm. They had free-range chickens there as well. All he had to do was catch a lone chicken and get away without being noticed. Dwayne parked his car out of sight of the farmhouse and walked to the farmyard. There was no car at the front of the farmhouse, so Dwayne reasoned the owners were out. He first checked the hen house. What luck! There was a chicken roosting. He got it and swiftly broke its neck. He went back to his car and drove home.

When he got to his cellar, he plucked the bird and set about dissecting it. He removed the internal organs and pinned them on the presentation board. When he finished, he placed the board on the end of the worktop and went up into the house. He made himself a coffee, relaxed on the sofa, and reviewed his work.

'Farmyard animals: a frog; a mouse; a rat; a guinea pig; a rabbit; a cat; a dog; a sheep; a cow; a pig; a duck; a pigeon; a goose; a chicken. Still to come: a swan and a horse. Then the grand finale. Something spectacular, I think.'

Feeling pleased with himself, he planned how to gain his next victim.

'I need a bigger pond รข?" a lake, even. One that has plenty of swans. Next, I need to catch one. I think a long pole with a noose at one end.'

With that, he went down to the cellar to see what he had to make the pole. He used a piece of the A frame as the pole and found some wire to make the noose. Two slices of bread and then he then drove to a lake where he knew there were swans. It was midday and people were having their lunch in the park. He found a secluded spot in which there was a nest and waited. A swan came by and went into the nest. This was his opportunity. He reached forward with the pole and hooked the wire loop around its neck. He tightened the noose and pulled the bird onto the bank. As soon as he got hold of it, he broke its neck and carried it back to the car, hidden under a blanket.

Back at his house, he plucked the bird and dissected the internal organs onto a presentation board. He cleaned the worktop and placed the new board next to the chicken. He was now ahead of the game. Boards for tomorrow and the next day. Now all he had to do was find somewhere to put them. He waited until close to midnight and then got into his car and drove to the park where he got the swan. He placed the board presenting the chicken on a park bench where someone would see it. Then he returned to his car, drove home, and went to bed.

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