General Poetry posted April 9, 2024 Chapters: 2 3 -4- 5... 

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dog + new cat = oops (LOL)

A chapter in the book Rambling Thoughts

My Pets

by Monica Chaddick

My doggy and my kitty
Sitting on my bed
If I pet one, the other one sees red

Both my hands are busy
So I've no time to write
Even though, in my head, my words are in my sight

Fingers tired of scratching
Hands are going numb
Catering to these two can sometimes seem so dumb

Sleep is dragging on my eyelids
My brain is very tired
Why is this the time of night that these two get so wired?

Okay, I've had enough of this and I am going to sleep
Making me pet them isn't right
When it lasts all through the night

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