General Poetry posted April 12, 2024 Chapters:  ...7 8 -9- 10... 

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My mother can be very frustrating

A chapter in the book Rambling Thoughts

My Dilemma with My Mother

by Monica Chaddick

My mother is driving me quite crazy
At ninety her memory can be a bit hazy

Of course, to this she will not admit
It's easier to argue, to fuss, and to quit

She will quit conversations when being proved wrong
No matter how much you point out each prong

Once she knows she's beat she will turn it around
And to make you look dumb she will make every sound

She will repeat everything you just said
And twist it to sound like it came from her head

She knows that she does this, believe me it's true
She does it to me, she would do it to you

She must always be right, there is no doubt
She will argue, scream, curse, and shout

Now, this isn't new and it isn't her age
This is not a senility stage

She has always been this way, now please see
She has always done this sort of thing to me

The difference now is that others are seeing
I am trying to look for her well being

She fights me every step of the way
But I must see about her each and every day

No one else will, because she can be a pain
Your will and emotions she will quickly drain

A nursing home would be of no good
With her behavior, they'd kick her out, and they should

I do love her dearly ~ she is my mother
Sometimes her arguments, though, I wish she would smother

She says she needs help, and gripes when she gets it
Then gripes if the help slacks off just a bit

I'll admit that sometimes I do lose my temper
Of course, at these times she will pout and simper

Light is now dawning on a new morn
And I must see about her though my nerves are worn

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