General Poetry posted April 13, 2024 Chapters:  ...9 10 -11- 12... 

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No, this is NOT a picture of my kitchen - lol

A chapter in the book Rambling Thoughts

The Kitchen Mess

by Monica Chaddick

I walked in my kitchen and looked around
I thought to myself, "What a wreck!"
Dirty dishes (and clean ones) abound
My next thought is, "What the heck?"

I cleaned it yesterday, of that I am sure
Now, yes, I did cook us some dinner
But the mess in there is just so much more
Than what was left by one sinner

As I look at all of the work to be done
I breathe deep and let out a sigh
If the battle of dinner is to be won
Then I guess I'd best stop asking why

Get straight to work cleaning this mess
Put everything where it must go
Now as the pile gets less and less
The cabinet's starting to show

When I am finished with scrubbing and cleaning
I would like to take a break
But sadly there is no time for leaning
I must cook, then clean again when I wake

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