General Fiction posted May 13, 2024 Chapters:  ...5 6 -7- 

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Kara and Michael go on their special date

A chapter in the book I Found My Heart In San Francisco

After The Dance

by LoniLove

I Found My Heart In S.F. Ch. 4 Pt 1 

At 7:55 p.m. LaKara was dressed and ready for her big date with Michael Jackson. She was standing in her bedroom checking her appearance in the full-length mirror in the corner. She wanted to make sure everything was perfect for this date. She was both nervous and excited. 
Her wavy black hair was neatly combed and brushed, gleaming and shiny hanging down to her shoulders. Her make-up was flawless. She had a hard time deciding what to wear. She must have changed her dress about five times before deciding on the sexy, red, form fitting dress that she had on, and the matching high heel pumps and red purse. 
She wore a silver choker around her neck, a matching pair of earrings in her ears, and her shiny silver watch. She looked beautiful. She could have been a fashion model on the cover of the very magazine that she worked for. As she stood there contemplating if she should change outfits again, she heard the doorbell ring. 
Oh my God! He's here! She thought to herself. Is it that time already? 
She turned to look at her bedside clock. Sure enough, the time read 8:00 on the dot. Michael was right on time. 
The doorbell rang agin. What she was wearing was going to have to do. She chanced one more glance in the mirror then quickly grabbed her keys and purse off the dresser and left the room turning out the light as she went. She went through the short hallway and around into the living room and opened the door. Sure enough, there Michael stood carrying a dozen red roses and another mysteriously wrapped package. 
"Hello Michael." She spoke in a breathless tone. 
"Hello." He spoke back. 
"Come on in." Kara said, and she stepped back to let him in. She thought he looked very handsome dressed in a formal black suit with a red dress shirt on and a black tie. 
Michael stepped inside and closed the door behind him. Kara thought she was feeling a little nervous about going out with Michael. She did not realize that she wasn't the only one. He was feeling a little nervous himself even though he didn't let it show on the outside. 
He really liked Kara and he wanted to make a good first impression on her. He did not want just one date with her. He wanted this date to be the first of many more to come. 
This was Valentine's Day, and in keeping with the spirit of the day, Michael was hoping to turn this date into the beginning of a serious romance. 
"Kara, you look absolutely stunning in that red dress you're wearing." Mike took note. 
"Thank you." Kara smiled shyly, pleased that he liked what he saw. "I wasn't sure if I had chosen the right dress or not." 
"No, you made the perfect choice. You look amazing, and very sexy." He said honestly. 
She blushed at his words. He thought she looked sexy. He had no idea that she had thought the very same thing about him many times. 
"You look very handsome yourself." She said. "I see that great minds think alike. You decided to wear a red shirt tonight." 
"Yeah well, I thought it was appropriate for the occasion." He smiled. 
"I've always admired your style anyway." She told him. 
A picture of him posing on the cover of his Thriller Album, lying stretched out on his side, dressed in an all white suit, with a black shirt underneath unzipped halfway down his chest, and holding a tiger cub popped into her mind. Now that was hot! 
"Thanks. These are for you." He said and he handed her the bundle of roses, and the package that he held in his hands. 
"These are beautiful, thank you." She said. "Now what is this?" She indicated the package he gave her. It did not feel like a box of chocolates to her. 
"Open it and see." Mikey told her. 
She went over to the couch to sit down and open the gift. Michael came and sat down beside her. Kara tore the decorative paper off the package and revealed a white square box, which read "The Chocolate Factory" in bold black letters. She looked up and her eyes were full of anticipation as they met Michael's for a brief moment. Then she opened the box and pulled out what was a beautifully crafted, ornate candy dish that read "Sweets to the Sweet". It was filled to the brim with Hershey's Kisses and M&M candy. Kara was totally surprised. She didn't know what she had expected, but she hadn't expected that. It was so totally thoughtful and sweet of him. 
"Oh Michael! I love it! Thank you." Kara exclaimed. She was absolutely delighted. She gave him a big hug. 
"You're welcome." Michael grinned, pleased at her reaction. That hug alone was well worth it for him. 
"How did you know that I liked Hershey's Kisses and M&M's?" She asked curiously. 
"Your sister told me after she found out that I had asked you to the Valentine's Day Party." Mikey told her. 
"What?" Kara was surprised. 
"Yeah, your sister Shenell told me what you liked. She told me that you had a thing for chocolate candy. I couldn't just go and buy a bag of M&M's or Hershey's Kisses and hand them to you, so I came up with the idea of the candy dish and I put the candy in it and had it wrapped. You know me, I just had to be different." Said Mikey. 
"It was really sweet and thoughtful of you." Kara was touched. 
"Are you ready to go?" He asked. 
"Yes." She answered. "Let me put these roses in some water right quick, and I'm ready to go." 
She got up, found a large vase and filled it with water. She put the roses in it and sat it on her table. Then she grabbed her coat from the front closet, and she and Michael left to go to the Valentine's Day Party. The romance was about to begin. . .

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