Romance Fiction posted June 2, 2024 Chapters:  ...18 19 -20- 21... 

This work has reached the exceptional level
Sami's mom has an accident.

A chapter in the book Willing Hearts

Chapter 13 A

by barbara.wilkey

Can Noah rescue Myra, close down the human trafficking ring, keep Sami safe, all while protecting his heart? Or did the love of his life appear in front of him?
Noah and Sami met 17 days ago.


When they walked into the house, Jose followed. "I think it's blackberry cobbler time. Anybody agree?"

Sami walked toward the kitchen. "I'll get right on it."

Jose called, "I didn't mean for you to get it."

"I don't mind."

Noah followed. "Sami, I need to ask. Are we all right?"

Her eyes met his. "I think so."


She studied Noah as he left the kitchen. I wonder what that was about.

As they ate the cobbler and ice cream, light conversation continued.


Chapter 13 A

It was after midnight Wednesday when Noah knocked on Sami's bedroom door. She opened it and studied Noah's face. "What's wrong? You're scaring me."

Noah swallowed. "Your mom. There's been an accident."

Tears welled in her eyes. "What happened? How bad is it? She's all right, isn't she?"

"I don't have all the facts. She was unconscious and is in the hospital. Bob's trying to get more information."

Sami swiped at the tears rolling down her cheeks.

Noah put his arms around her and drew her into a hug.

When Bob stepped to the doorway, Sami attempted to back away. Noah held tight. "It's all right." He then addressed, Bob, "Any news?"

"Sorry Boss, only that she's in surgery."

Noah nodded. "Sami, get dressed. We're going to the hospital." He pecked her forehead. "We'll wait at the door."

Within a half an hour they left for the hospital. Jose drove with Noah sitting in the front passenger seat. Sami sat between Bob and Sarah in the backseat.

At the hospital, they formed a protective circle around Sami as they walked. It was decided it would be best if Sami asked for her mother's room.

Upon receiving an answer, they continued to the elevator. When the elevator door opened, Sami saw her dad and ran to him.

Sarah started after her, but Noah stopped her. "She needs to be with family. Just stand back and remain alert."

Sami went into her dad's arms and cried.

When the tears lessened, she asked, "What happened?"

"Your mom was carrying a load of boxes down the basement stairs. They were piled too high, and she missed a step. She fell and broke her hip. When I got to her, she was unconscious. She regained consciousness before the EMT's arrived. A doctor examined her and deemed it safe for hip surgery."

"Can I see her?"

"Your sisters left about fifteen minutes ago. She's probably trying to sleep, but yes."

Her dad started opening the door, but Sami paused. "Wait. I forgot." Sami waved her hand inviting the team to come closer. She introduced each of them and then said, "This is my dad, John."

After greetings and small talk, Noah glanced around. "Sami, go to your mom. We'll wait here."

She nodded, entered the room, and closed the door.

Sami greeted the attending nurse and asked questions before she pulled a chair closer to the bed. She sat and placed her hand on her mom's arm. "This past week I've missed you. I'm sorry I wasn't there to help with those boxes."

Her mom whispered, "Sami, I've missed you too, but it's not your fault."

"Mom! I thought you were asleep."

"Who could sleep with everything going on? Hospitals are not set up for rest."

Laughing Sami said, "That's probably true."

Her mom stared into her daughter's eyes. "How are you really doing?"

"Mom, there's nothing to worry about. They're treating me very well. I can't do anything without at least one escort. I can assure you, I'm completely safe. They're making progress with the bad guys, so I should be home in a few weeks. I'm hoping to be home in time to assist with your recovery."

"How did you find out about the accident? How many guards are here with you?"

"Noah told me. I'm not sure how he found out. I know Bob has a fancy computer that monitors all sorts of things." Sami frowned. "Probably more than he should." She sighed. "All four of them are with me. They're waiting outside." When Laura's eyes started to close, she said, "Mom, rest. I'll stay as long as I can."

It wasn't long before Laura fell asleep. Sami held her hand and eventually rested her head on her arm.

Noah paced and kept glancing at his watch.

Finally, Bob walked to him. "Boss, it's getting late. We need to get back. Want me to send Sarah in to get Sami?"

"No, I'll go." Noah stood beside John. "We need to take Sami back before it gets too crowded. I can't promise she'll be able to return."

"I understand." John released a deep breath. "Sami and I are close. Ever since she was born, we've had a special bond. Her sisters always did girlie things, but Sami hung out with me. Please make sure she's safe."

Noah's eyes met John's. "I promise to do everything in my power to ensure her safety."

"Thank you."

Facing the door, Noah said, "I'll get her." When he opened it and saw her hand on her mom's arm and both ladies asleep, he backed out. "I won't disturb them. I'm sure a nurse will be by shortly."

Sarah walked up to Noah and put her hand on his arm. "Careful, you're turning into a softy."

Noah shook his head. "I haven't changed. I'm the same as I always was."

She smiled. "You can believe it if you want."

He grinned. "Whatever."

"You know when it comes to Sami you have a soft spot."

His eyes met hers. "Maybe when it comes to her, but that's as far as it goes."

"I'll give you that."

They watched a nurse go into Laura's room. Noah said, "Get ready to load up." He stood with a wide stance in the doorway waiting for Sami to wake up. When she did, he walked to her, and whispered, "Say your goodbyes, we need to leave."

Sami nodded. "Okay." Her eyes met his. "Thank you for letting me visit Mom."

After she hugged and kissed Laura's cheek, Noah placed his hand on her elbow and guided her from the room.

John walked up. After he hugged his daughter, he said, "Noah, please bring her back to us."

Noah offered his hand. "I have every intention of her returning safely. I can't promise but I'm hoping this only lasts a few more weeks."

"From your mouth to God's ears."

They followed the same routine leaving the hospital. Jose led the way, Noah and Sarah were on each side of Sami, and Bob followed. As the crowd of people increased, Noah held Sami's hand.

Inside the vehicle, the seating arrangement remained the same. Jose drove; Noah beside him in the front seat, and Sami sat in the backseat between Bob and Sarah.

Instead of heading due west, the direction of the safe house, they took the Expressway Northeast for quite a few miles before heading on two-lane roads toward Safe House E.

Jose glanced in his rearview mirror. "Boss, both ladies are asleep. Bob, you doing all right?"

Bob nodded. "Yes. If you get tired, let me know. I'll drive a while."

"So far I'm doing all right."

Noah sighed. "All of us are hurting for sleep. Jose, don't take any risks."

"I won't. I'm okay."

Taking off his jacket, Noah handed it to Bob. "Cover Sami. I'm turning up the air conditioning. It'll get cold in here. We need to stay alert. Sarah's wearing a jacket."

Almost an hour later they pulled into the garage at the house. Noah opened his door. "Bob, wake up the girls." As they walked up the sidewalk to the front porch, he continued, "Everybody get a few hours of sleep. Sami, can you have lunch about twelve-thirty?" When she indicated she could, he said, "Good. Jose, do a quick security check, then get some sleep."

Jasper met them at the front door. Noah sighed and cocked his head. "Jasper needs out. Come on, let's go." He motioned for Sami to come along.

"Noah, let Sarah come with me. She's had a little sleep. You haven't. I'm sure it'll be all right."

"It's my job to make sure everybody's taken care of. That includes Jasper. Let's go. We'll make it a quick walk."

They walked for a little while, before Sami asked, "Why'd you let me visit with Mom?"

"I know how important family is to you."

"Would you have allowed everybody in protective custody to see their family?"

Noah swallowed. "Probably not."

Sami stared into his eyes. "When you told me about the accident, you held me. Why?"

"I knew you were scared and hurting." Noah faced the house. "I think Jasper's finished. Let's head back."


"I care more than circumstances allow." When Sami started to say something, he added, "That's all I'm willing to say."


"Sami, enough!"

"All right." She grabbed the door handle.

Before Noah could stop her, the alarm sounded.

Jose rushed from the cabin with weapon ready. Bob and Sarah stood at the door weapons drawn.

Shaking his head, Noah said, "Sami forgot about the alarm system."

Sami hung her head. "Sorry." She went straight to her room.

Heading toward his room, Noah muttered under his breath, "She definitely keeps things interesting."

From behind her closed door, Sami said, "I heard that."

"I'm sure you did."


Sami Martinez - Twenty-five-year-old high school teacher, who's working to find a kidnapped teenage girl.

Noah Taylor. - Homeland Security team leader, who works in the Human Trafficking department. Alias - Trey Morgan

Jose, Bob, & Sarah - Agents who work under Noah. Bob and Sarah are married.

Laura Martinez - Sami's mom.

Jasper - Sami's Great Dane, a large breed dog.

Myra Rodriguez - Kidnapped teenage girl whom Sami was close to.

Julia - Teenage girl, who was friends with Myra and Sami works with.

Big T - Neighborhood pimp; not a friendly person

Numerous Team Members - They will show up periodically but not really important to the story, except they're there.

Chen - Charles Henry Edward Nichols - Human trafficker and into some really bad stuff.

Chief Galvin Baldwin - Noah's supervisor.

Ryan Brown - All around jerk. He thinks highly of himself.

Marc - Sami's old boyfriend.



Thank you, Google Images, for a photo of hip replacement surgery.

Today's post is the part one of Chapter 13. Chapter 13 is long and is divided into three parts. It only has a little under 1500 words.

I'm back home and working hard to get caught up. I did have a wonderful time. If I missed any of your posts, I'm sorry. I think some must have been deleted in my PM box before I could get to them. Please accept my apology. I'm back full time reviewing now.

I appreciate all the wonderful support you give my writing. As usual, I've changed some things as I've posted. Thank you for the time you take to review my writing.
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