General Fiction posted July 9, 2024

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Bobby is afraid...but of who?

Someone's Home

by Monica Chaddick

The door slammed, echoing down the long hall. Underneath his blankets, Bobby cringed and curled up into a tight little ball. He heard footsteps approach, voices, and then something crash onto the floor.

He slipped from his bed, dragging his blanket and his stuffed dog with him, and slid under it. He waited. He must have dozed a little, because the next thing he knew was that he could hear yelling. Then he heard a loud bang against the wall and a scream.

Now, he crawled to his closet, dragging his possessions along behind him. He curled up in the deepest, darkest corner of his closet and covered himself head to toe with his blanket. He fell asleep clutching his stuffed animal tightly to his little chest.

The next morning, Bobby's mother opened his door and stepped in. She glanced around the room.

With a sigh, she muttered “Not again.”

She walked over to the closet and opened the door. Bobby looked up at her, squinting in the morning light.

Did the noise wake you again, Bobby?”

Yes, Mommy. It was so scary! I was afraid,” muttered the little boy, crawling out of the closet and standing up. He gave his mother a tight hug. She retrieved his blanket and dog from the closet, tossed them on the bed, and walked with Bobby to the kitchen. Bobby's dad was sitting at the table, awaiting his breakfast.

Bobby's mom poured two cups of coffee. She brought one to her husband and set it down in front of him. She returned to the stove, sipped her coffee, and began scrambling eggs for breakfast. Once all three plates were ready, she brought them to the table and sat down. She ruffled Bobby's hair, then looked at her husband.

Honey,” she began quietly, “I think we need to talk.”

Okay, so talk,” Bobby's father said, shoveling eggs into his mouth and following them with a gulp of coffee. He set his cup down and looked at his wife.

Well, I know this will be difficult, but I think we need to move,” she stated gently.

Why?” he replied. “We've only been here six months.”

I know, but the walls are thin, and the landlord won't do anything about the neighbors fighting all the time. They have been scaring Bobby again.”

Dad smiled at Bobby kindly. “They scared you again, Pal?” he asked.

Bobby nodded. Dad held out his hand and Bobby went into his arms for a warm hug.

Dad looked at Mom and nodded. “Start checking around today for a new place. I'll square breaking the lease with the landlord. My boy needs his rest.”

Bobby sat back down and finished his eggs, relieved that he wouldn't have to listen to the neighbors fight much longer.

The Door Slammed writing prompt entry
Writing Prompt
Write a story that starts with this sentence: The door slammed, echoing down the long hall.

Don't add to the sentence. The catch is this must be flash fiction. So the story should be between 100 and 1,000 words.
Pays one point and 2 member cents.

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