General Fiction posted July 14, 2024

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To Be Clear

by Brandi Kehl

                As a humanist, I expected to be appalled by the assassination attempt as well as saddened by the death of the accused. Surprisingly, I was not. I was upset the assassination wasn’t completed, and I was angry at the accused for missing.

                To be clear, I do not hate Donald Trump. I believe he is a selfish narcissist, yes, but these people are terribly predictable. In addition, I believe he has mental issues, and it saddens me his family does not love him enough to get him help.

                To be clear, I do hate the Heritage Foundation and associations that wrote Project 2025. It is anti-patriotic. It is anti-American. They want to dismantle America and turn it into Gilead. To those who do not believe me, I say read it. The entire agenda is published and free for anyone who wants to read it. However, when I say this, the response I so oft receive is, “I ain’t reading that.”

                To be clear, I do hate the enablers who supported Donald Trump’s whims. Everyone told the ex-president that he did not win the election. He chose to believe Rudi Guiliani, because he was the only one saying what Donald wanted to hear. Shame on Rudi for knowingly lying. Everyone who was close to Donald Trump has said he is dangerous. That is why no one who worked for him will be working for him again. Take the hint.

                To be clear, I do hate that these Project 2025 people are being placed or have been placed in strategic positions. That is why Trump has not faced justice in Florida. Ask any judge about Aileen Cannon. These Project 2025 people will also be placed in key cabinet positions.

                As a humanist, I think it is in the nation’s best interest for Trump to be assassinated. Are millions of lives worth less than his? Because I fear, and with good reason and evidence, his election spells trouble for this country. A message for Joe Biden: SCOTUS said you have presidential immunity. Hint, hint.

Assasination Attempt writing prompt entry
Writing Prompt
Write your thoughts or feelings following the assassination attempt on President Trump. All forms of writing are accepted, including poetry.

Note: If posting poetry, choose "poetry" for the TYPE question when posting.
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