General Non-Fiction posted July 14, 2024

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Yea Though I Walk Thru the Valley of the Shadow of Death

I Wonder

by John Cranford

My feelings about the attempted assassination of President Trump yesterday are considerably different than those of some I've heard and read about.

I learned yesterday that President Trump and I have something in common besides our age. We're both 78 years old.

Yesterday, President Trump found himself in the crosshairs of a 20-year-old deranged American sniper. In 1969, I found myself in the crosshairs of a deranged Viet Cong sniper.

President Trump said he heard the bullet as it whizzed by his face and struck his ear. I also heard the round as it traveled no more than two inches from my right eye before striking the building next to me.

God was with President Trump as he turned his head and, in the process, avoided a fatal wound. In my case, God made sure the sniper's aim, although good, was not perfect, and the bullet harmlessly struck the building.

But for the grace of God, this country would have lost an important political figure and a devoted husband, father and grandfather. In my case, I would have never married, had three strong sons, three wonderful grandsons and a beautiful little red-haired granddaughter.

I wonder if those who spew hatred for Donald Trump have ever found themselves in the crosshairs of someone determined to kill them for their political ideology or simply the uniform they wear?

I wonder if they would be willing to pick up a weapon and go fight for the freedom that gives them the right to spew such hatred? 
I wonder, if so, would that make a difference in their lives and how they view others they might not agree with?
I wonder if they would embrace God's Golden Rule: "Do unto others as you would have them do unto you?"

I wonder?...
My heart goes out to the innocent individual who lost his life simply by attending the rally and heroically protecting his loved-ones. I extend my sincere condolences and deepest sympathy to his family.  My prayers go with them.

Assasination Attempt writing prompt entry
Writing Prompt
Write your thoughts or feelings following the assassination attempt on President Trump. All forms of writing are accepted, including poetry.

Note: If posting poetry, choose "poetry" for the TYPE question when posting.

"The Lord is my refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble." - Psalm 46:1

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